
extensional adj.1.【邏輯學】外延的。2.延伸的,客觀現實的;具...


Chagan sag is a secondary tectonic unit in chagandelesu depression , northeastern yingen - eji ' naqi basin , and the basement of the basin is a paleozoic fold belt of continental margin or island arc at the connection region of north china plate * tarim plate and kazakstan plate , with the character of erogenic belt . in working area and its adjacent area , the forming tectonic setting of indosinian intrusion was that orogenic belt pressed strongly , intracontinental subduction ; that of early yanshan movement epoch was the stress field transferred from compression to extension meanwhile the incrassate crust of orogenic zone turned to extensional collapse ; and that of early cretaceous volcanics was that the area structure extensional collapse further more during the post period of orogenic phase 查干凹陷屬于銀根?額濟納旗盆地東北端查干德勒蘇坳陷內的一個次級構造單元,其盆地基底為古生代時期華北板塊、哈薩克斯坦板塊和塔里木板塊交接部位形成的陸緣或島弧褶皺帶,具有古生代造山帶的性質。研究區及鄰區印支期侵入巖形成于造山帶強烈擠壓陸內俯沖的構造環境;燕山早期侵入巖形成于由擠壓轉向拉伸、造山帶的增厚陸殼開始發生伸展垮塌的構造環境;早白堊世火山巖形成于造山期后進一步發生伸展垮塌的區域構造環境。

The mesoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms are extensively distributed in the central north china craton , which are not deformed and metamorphic , emplacing the pre - existed fractures , so the dyke swarms become the conspicuous marks to reconstruct the mesoproterozoic tectonic stress field of the central ncc . the mafic dykes in the northern block are transtensional while the dykes in the central and southern blocks are extensional . the mesoproterozoic tectonic stress field could be simulated on the analysis of the distribution and mechanical origin of the mesoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms in the central ncc . the simulation result shows that the mafic dyke swarms were formed in the extensional tectonic setting in the ncc in the mesoproterozoic time , which are related to the extension of the mesoproterozoic yanliao - zhongtiao aulacogens cross the central ncc 克拉通北部地塊的鎂鐵質巖墻群為張剪性,而中部和南部地塊為張性。根據華北克拉通中部中元古代鎂鐵質巖墻群的分布和成因機制分析,來恢復模擬中元古代的構造應力場。數值模擬結果表明鎂鐵質巖墻群在中元古代形成于伸展的大地構造背景,與橫穿華北克拉通中部的燕遼-中條拗拉槽系的伸展作用有一定的聯系。

Detail mapping shows that the yagan mcc consists of crystallized metamorphic core ( low plate ) , detachment zone and upper plate . the metamorphic core consists of can be further subdivided into two level parts low - level high metamorphic and upper - level shallow metamorphic structural slice and between them there exists a ductile shear zone . thus the whole texture of the mcc is characterized by “ three layers and tow zones “ this reveals a process of extensional uplift of poly - level slices by poly ductile shear zones , a characteristics of poly - level extensional structural systems . the deformational environments change vertically in a sequence of high amphibolite facies 亞干變質核雜巖由下盤結晶巖系變質核、拆離帶和上盤巖系構成,其中,變質核由四個單位及許多花崗巖體(脈)組成,可進一步分為中深和中淺變質兩個構造單位(巖片) ,之間發育次級韌性拆離帶(花崗質糜棱巖帶) ,加上上盤總體構成“三層兩帶”的結構特點。

In order to formulate the reasonable rejection standard of automobile and the synthetic evaluation of performance , based on synthetic analysis of the performance indexes of various systems part , this paper has established the extensional matter - element evaluation model , and brings forward the extension evaluation method with relative functions 為了制定合理的汽車報廢標準及綜合性能評價,本文在綜合分析汽車各系統部件性能指標的基礎上,建立了汽車完損度可拓物元評價模型,并給出了基于關聯函數的可拓評價方法。

Recently , two important things need to be further addressed : ( 1 ) the time of the transition from compressional to extensional setting , and the geodynamics processes in se china ; ( 2 ) the relationship between polymetallic mineralization and lithospheric thinning and crustal extension 近年來隨著研究的深入,逐漸凸顯出兩個重要的地質問題需要解決: ( 1 )中國東南部晚中生代構造屬性的轉變時間及地球動力學演化過程; ( 2 )多金屬成礦作用與巖石圈伸展減薄及地殼拉張的關系。

Viewing from the global tectonics , the authors dynamically described the dialectical relationships between extensions and compressions in time special 4 - d , and pointed out the different tectonic deformation systems corresponding to different tectonic dynamical environments . considering the geological evolution of sichuan basin , from nine aspects , the authors proved that the tectonic dynamical environments of sichuan basin , after its formation , has experienced the early extension , middle transition and late compression environments . correspondingly , as the paper suggests , a considerable attention need to be paid to the comprehensive studies of the early extensional structures , middle inversion structures and the late compression structures of sichuan basin when analyzing its tectonics 從全球構造著眼,動態地從時間-空間四維闡述了拉張-擠壓構造動力學環境的辯證關系,指出了不同構造動力學環境對應于不同的構造變形系統。結合四川盆地地質演化歷程,從9個方面論證了四川盆地自其形成以來,構造動力學環境曾經歷了早期拉張中期過渡晚期擠壓的過程,相應地在對四川盆地進行構造分析時,要注意早期伸展構造中期反轉構造晚期擠壓構造的識別和綜合研究。

Yinggete - bagemaode metamorphic core complex belt with three - layer construction is put forward , which evolved from late jurassic to cretaceous . the extensional simple shear model of the chagan fault depression is established . the tectonic evolution and the dynamics character of chagan fault depression and its adjacent mesozoic - cenozoic basins are discussed : at the end of triassic continental orogeny increased crust thickness crust uplift and denudation were happened ; jurassic was a period of local partly extensional collapse of erogenic belt and cretaceous was a period of widely extensional collapse of postorogenic erogenic belt ; cenozoic was a period of the development of stable intracontinental depression with the character of long distant collision response and weaked compression flexure 討論了查干凹陷及鄰區中-新生代盆地構造演化及其地球動力學特征,三疊紀(印支期)為陸內造山作用與地殼增厚、隆升剝蝕階段;侏羅紀(燕山早期)為造山后造山帶的局部伸展垮塌階段;白堊紀(燕山晚期)為造山期后大規模伸展垮塌作用與伸展盆地的發育階段;新生代(喜山期)為遠距離碰撞效應與弱擠壓撓曲性質的穩定大陸內坳陷的發育階段。

The results indicate : ( 1 ) the distribution of magmatic rocks shows the feature that in the middle and western part of the study area basic igneous rocks dominate , and in the middle - eastern part intermediate rocks are predominant , while in the southeastern part acid ones are developed . ( 2 ) in the area west to the shiwandashan basin , intermediate magmatites were controlled by deep ne - striking and nw - striking faults , especially at the conjunction site of these two group faults , magmatic activity was strong ; and its tectonic background can be attributed to extensional continental rift 其中,在十萬大山盆地以西地區的偏基性巖漿活動受北東和北西向深斷裂控制明顯,尤其以此兩組斷裂交匯處的巖漿活動強烈,盆地構造背景屬大陸伸展裂谷環境;在十萬大山盆地以東地區為偏酸性巖漿活動,主要受東吳運動形成的欽防造山帶的控制,屬大陸邊緣造山帶或島弧造山帶環境。

Therefore unifies the data mining technology and the application , at the same time maintains the system to be extensional and the flexible , constructing data mining system that suits the enterprise user has become one of questions which is most urgent needs to be solved at present 因此如何將數據挖掘技術與應用相結合,同時又保持系統的可擴展性和靈活性,構建適合企業用戶的數據挖掘商業應用系統已經成為目前最迫切需要解決的問題之一。

Furthermore , shear type is simple shear - dominated at the early stage by analysis of wk from the method of polar mohr and pure shear component increases at the late stage by the methods of ecc . much synthetic extensional crenulation cleavage ecc is found in mylonitic rocks zone 不同方法求得運動學渦度wk介于0 . 453 ? 0 . 809間,表現為一般剪切作用類型,其中早期為以簡單剪切組份為主、晚期為以純剪組份為主的一般剪切作用類型。

In the end , this thesis also devises numerical experiment for problems with small perturbation on its boundary strip . result shows that rannacher - turek element becomes exceptionally unstable . on the contary , extensional rannacher - turek element is more reliable 最后,本文又對所處理區域的邊界帶有小擾動的問題,進行了數值實驗,實驗結果表明rannacher ? turek元變得異常不穩定,而相比之下拓廣的rannacher ? turek元更可靠。

The system is made up of control center and extensional control computer . the system is developed on the platform of visual c + + and the software model is made . the software system is divided into several modules , which are independent and interconnected 本文制定了系統模型的設計方法,系統由主控中心和分控計算機組成,選用vc作為開發平臺而研制,并給出了系統的軟件模型,將整個系統分為相對獨立又相互聯系的幾個模塊。

This thesis mainly discusses numerical experiment of the error expansion and extrapolation theory of extensional rannacher - turek nonconforming element . comparing to the other extensively used element , we clearly see which element is more effective 本文主要討論了特征值問題拓廣rannacher - turek非協調元的誤差展開與外推的數值實驗結果,與其它幾種廣泛使用的有限元比較,我們能清楚的看到哪個有限元更有效。

In addition , the mafic dykes of hainan island were formed in an intraplate extensional environment , similar to the mafic dykes in north guangdong and fujian coastal areas , all suggesting an extension regime tectonic in southeastern china during cretaceous 白堊紀基性巖脈( 81 135ma )形成于板內拉張環境,與粵北、福建沿海地區的白堊紀基性巖脈共同指示了中國東南部白堊紀時期處于拉張的構造環境。

The extensional activities of hefei basin occurred in the period between late cretaceous and paleogene . as a result , the extensional normal faults were took place along the pre - existing nearly ew faults and the tan - lu fault zone . the deposition of half - graben was formed 合肥盆地的伸展活動發生于晚白堊世至早第三紀,伸展活動是疊加在前兩期走滑構造之上,形成了以半地塹式楔形為主的沉積。

Knowing the tectonic background under which , basins formed helps determining their geomechanical natures ( extensional , compressional and shear ) in each developmental phase and full understanding of the sedimentologic character and geothermal evolution of the basin 理解盆地的構造背景有助于確定它在不同發展階段的地質力學性質(拉張、擠壓、剪切) ,有助于充分理解其沉積特征與地熱演化。

The structure units are redivided . the main structure style of chagan fault depression is summarized , in which the extensional structure are the principle part . its kinematics characteristics are analysed 對查干凹陷的構造單元重新進行了劃分,總結了查干凹陷的主要構造樣式,伸展構造是主體,并對其運動學特征進行了分析。

According to most theories , the prevailing forces in the sicilian crust are similar to those in rift zones ? extensional stresses that cause thinning of the crust and upwelling of the underlying mantle 根據大多數的理論,西西里島所在的地殼,主要遭受到的應力與張裂帶類似:張力使地殼變薄、下方地函上涌。

But besides being characterized by the extensional semantics , first - order logic can be characterized soundly and completely by such an intensional semantics that includes nothing but the property entities 相對于這一外延語義,一階邏輯還可為其中只含屬性實體而不含個體對象的內涵語義一致且完備地刻畫。