
exploitative 短語和例子exploi(ta)tiveadj.1.開發的...


This paper analyzes the problems of exploitative abuse of public utilities in china . except the introduction and conclusion , this paper includes four parts altogether , the main content which has been discussed by each chapter is listed as follow : the first chapter is just to describe an overview of public utilities 全文整體上由四大部分組成:第一部分作為對論文研究對象行為主體論述,首先對目前反壟斷研究中混亂使用的公用企業的概念加以梳理,以期能夠得出一個較為客觀、科學的定義,以此為基礎展開下文的討論。

Based on the knowledge of tourism geography , tourism resource , tourism market , tourism exploitation and planning , making the use of the theories of sustainable development , tourism life - cycle , tourism central place etc , integrating the evaluation of tourism product exploitative condition in chifeng and the tourism analyses and product orientation , this paper studies the deep exploitation of tourism products in chifeng 本文借鑒旅游地理學、旅游資源學、旅游市場學、旅游開發與規劃學等學科的相關知識,運用旅游地理生命周期理論、可持續發展理論、大旅游理論、旅游中心地理論等,結合赤峰市的旅游產品開發條件,在市場分析與定位的基礎上,對赤峰市旅游產品的深度開發進行了研究。

This thesis based on the continuable development , analyzed the project on chemical industrial districts of xining city from the aspects of functional tissue of usable land , city ' s eco - environment and public demands , and indicated that no matter to modify city ' s general program or to design its new districts and exploitative zones , all must be manifested the strategic ideas of continuable development 摘要本文以可持續發展理論為依據,從用地功能組織、城市生態環境以及公眾需求等方面對西寧市化工園區規劃進行分析,指出無論是城市總體規劃的修編,還是進行城市新區或城市開發區的規劃,都必須充分體現可持續發展的戰略思想。

The thesis starts with the developing process and evolvement of domestic and international walking system first , analyzing and summarizing the experiences and lessons of it ' s characteristic and construction , then elaborates the exploitative practice of walking system of our country history and puts forward existent problem of the current community walking system design in our country so as to elicit the textual topic . at the basis of holding basic principle of walking space in living community well , this text mainly discuss design important points and methods of walking system from three aspects : the first , summarize the space characteristic of walking system and give prominence to the relation between men walking space and between walking 在把握好居住區步行空間設計基本原則的基礎上,本文主要從三個主要方面來探討步行系統設計要點及方法:一是總結步行系統的空間特征并突出人與步行空間的關系、步行系統與機動交通的關系,并歸納出步行系統的設計構想,為創造有特色、人性化、情趣化的步行空間提供依據;二,分析步行系統的網絡模式,并對立體化、人性化、居住區步行空間設計的進行探討;三,研究居住區步行系統景觀環境的塑造,對各構成要素進行分析歸納出設計的基本原則。

As defined by clinical psychologists , narcissism is a mental illness characterized by inflated or grandiose views of self , the quest for excessive admiration , an unreasonable or exaggerated sense of entitlement , a lack of empathy ( that is , being unable to identify with the feelings of others ) , an exploitative attitude toward others , a proneness to envy or wish to be envied , frequent fantasies of greatness , and arrogance 根據臨床心理學家的定義,自戀是一種心理疾病,特徵是對自己的看法極為膨風、渴求過多的贊美、自己認定的榮銜不切實際或夸大、缺乏同理心(也就是無法對別人的感受感同身受) 、只會利用別人、容易羨慕別人或是希望成為羨慕的對象、常常幻想自己很偉大、妄自尊大。

There s no better way to piss people off than taking state grant to promote a completely non - existent hypermarket , then documenting it all in a “ provokumentary “ . the two filmmakers have gone and done just that , angering many czech in the making of this quasi - exploitative documentary 某個周六,近五千人老遠跑到布拉格市郊一塊空地,等候大型超市開張掃貨,我們兩個導演西裝革履剪彩過后,大家始發現超市只得門面廣告牌一塊,后面空空如也,宣傳單張聲稱的特平彩電爛價香蕉全都正如店名所言不過是捷克夢。

There are tow kinds of abuse of the dominant position : exploitative abuse and exclusionary abuse . firstly , the principle of exploitative abuse is discussed . secondly , analyses some typical behaviors of exploitative abuse , such as excessive pricing , forced transaction or tying , refusal to supply , charge or sanction abuse 其次,分析了我國公用企業剝削型濫用的幾種典型表現:超高定價、強迫交易或者搭售、拒絕交易、濫收費用和濫用處罰權的問題,文章對這些濫用表現大體遵照行為概念定義? ?構成要件(判定標準) ? ?濫用實例的邏輯結構展開論述。

Proponents of the so - called new agrarian economics - people such as pranab k . bardhan , for example - have argued persuasively that the high rural interest rates endemic in many parts of the world in times past may have been efficient rather than exploitative in light of the high information and transactions costs , risks , market failures , and moral hazards in such areas 例如,包括普拉那博巴德漢在內的所謂“新土地經濟學”支持者有力地指出:如果將世界上許多地區的高信息成本、高交易成本、高風險、高度市場失敗幾率以及高度道義危害等諸種因素進行通盤考慮,高利息借貸過去在這些地區不時地盛行可能更具有“效益性” 、而非“剝削性”

Abstract : progress in recent years on the preparation and application of n - acylamino acids surfactants , especially the derivatives of n - acylsarcosinates have been reviewed with over thirty references and the perspective trend have been predicted . the exploitative situation of these products in our company has also been report 文摘:本文綜合評述和介紹了n -酰基氨基酸系列表面活性劑的合成及應用(特別在農業、生物化學和藥物制造領域的應用)的一些近年來的研究新進展,指出了進一步的研究方向,并報道了我公司開發此類產品的情況。

To meet the increased regulatory requirements on emission and fuel economy , the electronic control units ( ecu ) for engine is becoming more and more complex , which also makes its exploitation more difficult . the traditional method of debugging ecu through bench tests is almost outdated for its high cost , long exploitative period , unstable environment , etc . the substitute is found to be hardware - in - loop simulation 為了滿足日趨嚴格發動機排放和燃油經濟性法規限制,發動機電控系統( ecu )的功能復雜程度在不斷提高,相應的開發難度也在不斷加大,通過臺架試驗來逐步調試ecu的傳統方法由于耗費大量人力物力,開發周期長,調試環境不穩定、可重復性差等缺點,已難以適應ecu系統快速升級換代的需求,對此可采用硬件在環仿真技術予以解決。

Chapter 1 introduces the background , the method in which the quality and reliability of embedded system can be improved from the angle of software project , and then states the role the current software testing plays in increasing the quality and reliability . chapter 2 focuses on the fundamental concepts and principles of software testing , and the method of universal software reliability testing and of reliability assessment . chapter 3 describes the concepts , characteristics and exploitative characteristics of embedded system , and stresses on the status quos , important research orientation , the content of research , the reliability testing and the characteristic of reliability assessment of embedded system , etc 第一章背景介紹后,從軟件工程角度介紹了目前提高嵌入式系統可靠性和質量的方法,然后敘述了目前軟件測試在提高質量和可靠性上的作用;第二章著重研究通用軟件的軟件測試的基本概念和基本原理,通用軟件可靠性測試方法和可靠性評估的方法;第三章在描述了嵌入式系統的概念、特點和開發特點后,著重研究了嵌入式系統測試的現狀、重點研究方向、研究內容、嵌入式系統可靠性測試和可靠性評估的特點等。

As for innovation in fund product , we have such modes as horizontal innovation in investment fund product , vertical innovation in investment fund product , exploitative innovation in investment fund product and derivative innovation in investment fund product 在考慮投資基金的品種創新時,我們有以下幾種可供選擇的模式:水平型的投資基金品種創新、垂直型的投資基金品種創新、利用型的投資基金品種創新和衍生型的投資基金品種創新。

The study of this problem , will has widely exploitative value and important practical significance , to the construction of the enshi section of hurong freew ay which will be built during the large development of the western part , and the railway and airport construction in enshi 通過本課題的研究,對于西部大開發中即將興建的滬蓉高速路恩施段以及恩施州鐵路、機場的建設都將有著廣泛的借鑒價值和重要的現實意義。

The example of the prophet is still good today , and anyone who sees his or her own religion overwhelmed by insensitive , exploitative “ orthodoxy “ can sympathize with this ancient revolutionary whose message is ever fresh and ever new 先知的實例在今天仍然有用處,每一個人看見他或她的宗教被淹沒在感官遲頓之中,剝削的“傳統派”會同情這些古代革命性的信息,信息曾經是新鮮的,而且永遠都是新鮮。

Next to exploitative logging , the accelerated but inadequate farming of this land has caused increasing flood hazards in downstream areas , siltation of valleys and water reservoirs which have made s . e asia the most severely eroded region worldwide in recent years 掠奪性砍伐之后,這種土地不合理耕種的日益增多已引起下游水災增多,河谷和水庫淤塞,使東南亞成為近年來全世界侵蝕最嚴重的地區。

At last , in order to emphasize the significance of efficient regulation , the negative consequence of exploitative abuse is discussed , involving society unfairness , efficiency loss , and the competitive mechanism distortion 最后,對我國公用企業剝削型濫用產生的危害性加以分析,論文主要著眼于掠奪低收入者、產生效率損失和扭曲市場競爭機制等三個方面展開論述。

Finally this paper properly choose the c / s construction of system , the software and hardware and the exploitative tool of system . the system of product ' s inspect information has been successfully attained in the end 最后選擇了客戶服務器系統體系結構,合理進行系統軟硬件配置,優選了系統開發工具,直至成功實現了產品檢驗信息管理系統。

An exploitative and graphic look at primitive rituals throughout the world including cannibalism , eye - plucking , “ virgin testing “ and worse . recommended for mature audiences 這部生動的電影讓我們用剝削的角度看整個世界的原始儀式,包括食人,拔眼睛, “處女測試“ ,和一些更加恐怖的,建議成熟觀眾收看。

With the clause cancelled what will remain of the provision that “ the licensee must treat the portrayal of familywith sensitivity and not in an exploitative or irresponsible manner “ ?難道婚姻的神圣和家庭的重要已不是我們絕大多數市民的共識嗎?刪除了這標準,所謂審慎從事還有什么意義或內容?