
exploitation n.1.利用,非法利用。2.剝削。3.開發,開拓。4.宣...


Comprehensive exploitation and utilization of microalgae 微藻的綜合開發利用

Exploitation of real estate growing with each passing hour 與時俱進的房地產開發市場

Preliminarily discussing tourist famous brand exploitation 試論旅游品牌開發

Huashan plant of landscape protect and exploitation 華山風景植物保護現狀與開發利用

Tourist exploitation of religious culture in fujian 福建宗教文化旅游資源開發

On strategy of sustainable groundwater exploitation 地下水可持續開采策略研究

Exploitation and application of nenjiang qicai opal 嫩江奇才頁巖的開發與應用

Exploitation and utilization of wild qishu in anhui 安徽野生祁術的開發與利用

The problem of optimal exploitation to prey - predator system 捕食系統最優化開發研究

Three gorges ' celebrity culture and exploitation of tourism 三峽名人文化與旅游開發

Exploitation of vr training system for tower crane 塔式起重機仿真訓練器的研制

A comment on today ' s theories of exploitation and practice 當前剝削理論與現實評析

Western exploitation and sustainable development 論小城鎮建設與西部可持續發展

Exploitation of overseas resources was pushed forward 境外資源開發有序推進。

Study on exploitation and utilization of mine wastewater 神東礦井污水的開發與利用

Labor , exploitation , and joining cpc of private enterprisers 剝削和私營企業主入黨

Study on opal shale exploitation and application 蛋白石輕質頁巖開發與應用研究進展

Social environment and the exploitation of hr resource 社會環境與人辦資源開發

Western region great exploitation , avant - garde role of power 西部大開發電力要先行