
expansion n.1.張開,伸展。2.擴大;擴建;展開;發展。3.廣袤...

expansion joint

What it says is that existing laws of physics can account for a succession of expansions and contractions . 它所要表達的是:現有的物理定律就能解釋接連不斷的膨脹和收縮。

The reaction is slowed by a combination of depletion of the fissionable material and expansion of the core . 由于裂變物質的耗盡以及由于核心的膨脹,才使反應減慢下來。

The stock of money and its rate of expansion are not variables that the monetary authorities can control at will . 貨幣存量及其增長率不是貨幣當局能隨意調節的變量。

Mundry uses the same principle for three layered systems with linear expansion or rotational symmetry . 穆恩德瑞將同一原理應用于具線性延伸或轉動對稱的三層狀系統。

A basic stimulant of prosperity in the 1920's was expansion in the construction industry after 1918 . 二十年代繁榮的基本刺激因素是1918年以后建筑工業的擴展。

There is an inevitable lag between changes in prices and expansion in the number of houses available . 在價格變化和得以擴大房屋數量之間有著無法避免的滯延。

Finally, he allowed industrial expansion to get out of hand and occur in the wrong areas . 最后,他讓工業膨脹到無法控制的地步,而且是在一些不適當領域里。

There is still a danger that the considerable expansion will rupture the building structure . 危險仍然存在,因為相當強裂的膨脹,仍將使建筑結構遭到破壞。

Cheap energy, specifically cheap oil, quite literally fueled this record economic expansion . 廉價的能源,特別是廉價的石油,確實促成了空前的經濟高漲。

The surface area of crystalline clay minerals is highly dependent on the extent of lattice expansion . 結晶粘土礦物的表面積主要依賴于晶格膨脹的程度。

Bormann was surely the source of all the overt or covert opposition to an expansion of my ministry . 分開或隱蔽反對我部擴大權限的風源當然是博爾曼。

All this has been done as excuses for their continued pursuance of a policy of aggression and expansion . 這一切都是為其堅持侵略擴張政策制造借口。

Even more important was the remarkable expansion of public high schools from 1900 to 1920 . 更為重要的是,從1900年到1920年,公立中學顯著增加。

Soon the expansion of trade will tend to bring the two countries' price ratios into line . 由于貿易的擴展,很快就會把兩國的價格比率拉平。

This is analogous to the successive approximation given by the terms of a taylor expansion . 這類似通過泰勒法展開各項所給出的逐次逼近法。

Conversely, an expansion is accompanied by a temperature decrease unless heat is added . 反之,如果膨脹時不供給熱量,流體的溫度就要降低。

All other common gases are cooled by expansion at room temperature and below it . 所有其它普通氣體在室溫和室溫以下時都會因膨脹而冷卻。

This scale depends on the expansion properties of a particular substance liquid mercury . 這種標度取決于特定特質液態汞的膨脹性。

We'll probably send a man down again soon to talk to him about his expansion program . 我們不久可能派人去跟他談談有關他的擴展方案。