
dysphoria n.【醫學】煩躁不安。


The first group of people are not considered as patients because no trait of disease has been found through medical check , however , they usually suffer from maladjustment involving the symptoms like dizziness , inappetence , tiredness of the whole body , dysphoria , heart - throb , insomnia and so on 亞健康人群有兩類:一類是經過各種醫學檢查尚未發現疾病,卻有頭暈眼花食欲不振周身乏力煩燥心悸失眠等不適應感另一類是雖無癥狀表現,但身體內部隱藏著疾病的禍根。

Patients with hormonal abnormalities tend to feel uncomfortable physically or mentally . their most prevalent symptom is premenstrual dysphoric disorder pmdd , which involves severe premenstrual mood disturbances , such as depression , tension dysphoria and anxiety , as well as some physical discomfort . 若這兩種荷爾蒙變化不正常,常會引起肉體上或者心智上的不適,其中以經期經痛癥候群pmdd最受矚目,其癥狀包括嚴重的經前情緒障礙,如情緒憂郁低落緊張不適焦慮及其它一些身體上的不適癥狀4 。

Fragmentation experiences may range from mild dysphoria ( a general feeling of ill being , anxiety , discontent , and physical discomfort ) to a panicked sense of impending annihilation or disintegration 分裂體驗可以是輕微的煩躁不安(一般性的不舒適、焦慮、不滿、軀體不適感) ,也可以是面臨毀滅或解體時的驚慌感。

Cold colors are applicable to dysphoria , irascibility , terror and fear as well as mania , epilepsy , etc 適用于煩躁易怒、失眠驚恐諸證以及狂證、癲證等。