
dysphonia n.【醫學】發音困難。disphonic adj.


In summary , dysphonia or laryngeal disorder can be the only prominent manifestation of mg in rare cases , which should be taken into consideration during the diagnosis to patients with exclusive laryngeal complaints 總的來說,發聲困難或喉部功能障礙可能是一些罕見mg的突出表現,這應在對僅有喉部癥狀的病人進行診斷時加以考慮。

A surprisingly low seropositivity rate of anti - acetylcholine - receptor antibodies ( 1 / 7 ) and anti - musk ( muscle specific kinase ) antibodies ( 0 / 6 ) were found in these dysphonia mg patients 該診斷在新斯的明(膽堿酯酶抑制劑)試驗陽性之前或之后通過纖維喉鏡檢查和聲學分析而被確定。

The most common sign described has been swelling , include associated pain , rapid growth , trismus and dysphonia 其主要的徵狀為顎骨及顏面的腫脹伴隨疼痛并有生長快速、牙關緊閉甚至焦慮不安等情形。