
dynasty n.1.王朝,朝代。2.王朝統治;世襲統治。3.統治集團...


Communication and function of books before qin dynasty 秦以前書籍的交流及其作用

Folk worship of kitchen god in qin and han dynasties 略論先秦兩漢民間的灶神崇拜

On selected works on poetic rhythm study in qing dynasty 清代詩歌聲律學著作舉要

Yue fei in the novels of ming and qing dynasties 岳飛形象在明清通俗小說中的嬗變

On economic modernization of shandong in late qing dynasty 論晚清山東經濟現代化

Tragic spirit of frontier fortress poems in tang dynasty 論唐代邊塞詩的悲劇精神

The research of transcription in beijing at ming dynasty 明代北京的民間抄書活動

Commentaries on the judicature reform in the late qing dynasty 清末司法改革述論

The open system and administration of the tang dynasty 唐政府對外開放的管理體系

On the organization and management of qing dynasty posts 清代縣衙吏役的內部管理

Rehe journal and study on the qing dynasty ' s ethnical policy 與清代民族政策研究

The historical orientation of the ming dynasty : a new idea 明代歷史定位問題新探

A research on the kong clan in kuaiji during six - dynasty 六朝會稽孔氏家族研究

On five buddhist temples of the tang dynasty in eastem hunan 湘東的五座唐代佛寺

On emperor liang wu and the rise and fall of liang dynasty 論梁武帝與梁代的興亡

Yuan shikai and military reform at the end of qing dynasty 袁世凱與清末軍事改革

Discussion on daoyin and massage in sui and tang dynasties 談隋唐時期的導引按摩

On the themes of frontier fortress poems of the tang dynasty 唐代邊塞詩主題例談

On sino - foreign tributary system from han to tang dynasty 漢唐中外朝貢制度述論