
dwarf n.1. 矮小的動物[植物];矮生植物。2.【北歐神話】...

dwarf door

< i > - and she knows it . - insolent dwarf . < / i > -而且她自己也明白這一點-無禮的小矮子

One was a decision to name pluto a dwarf planet 一個是命名冥王星為矮星球。

“ that ' s strange , “ said the dwarf , musing “那倒奇怪了, ”矮子說,默想著。

“ oh ! “ said the dwarf , after a little consideration “唔! ”矮子稍微考慮了一下說。

Molecular assessment of nils of dwarfing sterile wheat 矮敗小麥近等基因系的分子檢測

Introduction : micro countries where dwarves engineers . 微型國家里的小矮人工程師. .

I see seven dwarfs , dancing with the wolves 我看見七個小矮人,跟大野狼手牽手跳舞

In case you hadn ' t noticed , i ' m a motherfuckin ' dwarf 你別忘了,我他媽的是個矮子

His children were dwarfed by insufficient food 他的孩子因不足的食物而被矮化。

Progress of biology of maize dwarf mosaic virus 玉米矮花葉病毒生物學特征研究概述

This big steamer dwarfed our little launch 這艘大汽艇使我們的小游船相形見絀。

Fear ward is now only available to dwarf females 只有矮人大媽才擁有防恐結界。

His children were dwarfed by insufficient food 他的兒女因營養不良而發育不全。

Our little dinghy was dwarfed by the big yacht 我們的小船跟大游艇一比顯得很小

Men and women suffering from a deficiency of zinc, particularly men, slow retarded physical development and are known as hypogonadal dwarfs . 缺少鋅的男人和女人,尤其是男人,身體發育遲緩,他們被稱做性腺機能減退型“侏儒”。

Can the brachytic dwarf gene or the bushy genes be used to advantage in cultivars designed for high density plantings . 短枝矮化基因或灌叢狀基因能有利于品種高度密植的設計嗎?

Can the brachytic dwarf gene or the bushy genes be used to advantage in cultivars designed for high density plantings ? 短枝矮化基因或灌叢狀基因能有利于品種高度密植的設計嗎?

With his head sunk down between his shoulders, and a hideous grin overspreading his face, the dwarf stoop up . 矮子頭縮在肩膀下面,臉上展開了一個可怕的苦笑,他站立起來。

The nova phenomenon generally occurs in a binary system that has as one member a very hot white dwarf . 新星這種現象一般發生在雙星系統中,其中一顆子星是非常熱的白矮星。