
dustpan 畚箕。


Our main products : dust mop , wet mop , pva mop , drying mop , microfibre mop , sweeper , wool duster , ostrich duster , turkey duster , electrostatic duster , lint brush , sticky roller , car brush , pet hair pic - up lint mitt , broom , dustpan , toilet brush , windows wiper , magic sponge , cleaning slippers etc 公司主要產品有:家用和商用塵推、水拖把、膠棉拖把;地板擦;超細纖維系列家用拖把;汽車清潔系列、汽車刷;玻璃刮、羊毛撣、靜電撣;掃帚、吸塵埃(打蠟)劑;商用(家用)畚箕;衣刷、衛生清潔用刷;園藝用品等。

By now international exploration for subtle trap is mainly used with paleogeography , which integrates geology , geophysics , geochemistry and drilling , among them , seismic method is getting more and more important . there are a couple of favorable conditions to form subtle trap reservoirs , which are dustpan structure , coexisted slope and sag framework , etc . they lead to form multiple and extensive non - structural traps 目前,國內外勘探隱蔽油氣藏的方法主要是巖相古地理和古地貌分析法,常用的手段是地質、地球物理、地球化學和鉆井方法的綜合,其中地震方法在隱蔽油氣藏勘探中起到了越來越重要的作用。

Initiates prepared brooms , dustpans , sickles , hammers and other tools needed to clean up the environment and changed into their work outfits before setting off for their destination . we cleaned the road , removed wild grass , shoveled soil , dredged ditches , filled holes and removed trash 同修們事先已準備好了掃帚畚箕鐮刀鋤頭等各項整理環境的工具,在更換好工作服后,大家便乘坐交通工具到達目的地,展開道路清掃除草鏟土整地疏通水溝填土清除垃圾等工作。

Studying the archaeological data and historical documents , the author finds out that falchion with short hilt , falchion with winding head , huge ye - tomahawk , and dustpan - shaped vessel are used in ceremonies , which reflects the owner ' s social class and puissance 摘要結合現代考古資料與古代文獻,對青銅短柄翹首刀、卷首刀、大鉞和箕形器進行類比分析,發現它們在商代是顯示其所有者社會地位和權勢的儀杖器。

One day , a snake had crept into the house through the crack beneath the door . we , the disciples , were very nervous . someone got a long - handled broom , and tried to sweep the snake onto a dustpan before taking it outside 有一次,有一條蛇從門縫中爬了進來,我們幾個徒弟看到了很緊張,有人就拿著長柄掃帚想趕快把它掃進畚箕里,再拿出去倒掉。

The falchion with short hilt and vessel like dustpan from dayangzhou are the longest ones , and the huge ye - tomahawk from dayangzhou is the heaviest one in the shang dynasty 大洋洲的短柄翹首刀、箕形器是商代同類器型中最大者,大鉞是商代同類器型中最厚重者,也是商代唯一一處同時出土上述4種青銅儀杖器的遺存。

Long , long age , there lived a family by the yellow river . they lived a very poor lift , depending on cutting reeds , weaving hanging screens and dustpans for a livelihood 很久很久以前,有一戶人家住在黃河邊上,靠割蘆葦、編簾子簸箕為生,日子過得非常貧困。

That time , yuan rang had lazily stuck out his two legs and looked like a live dustpan waiting for some trash as he squatted by the door waiting for confucius 那回,原壤就懶散地叉開兩條腿,好像承接垃圾的畚箕似的,蹲坐在門口等孔子。

No sooner had they jumped up than she swept all the crumpled newspapers which had lain underneath them into the dustpan 他們剛一跳起來,她就把他們身下墊的破報紙,嚓嚓啦啦地掃到鐵簸箕里。

On the first flight of stairs , the dustpan and the broom were fighting , and violently hitting one other 第三次死神站到了孩子腳邊,他便知道孩子非死不可了。

All brooms and dustpans are put away on new year ' s eve so good luck cannot be swept away 除夕之夜,人們會把掃帚和簸箕都收起來,這樣好運氣就不會被掃走了。

24we need to buy a few things for cleaning such as a broom , a dustpan and mops 我們需要買幾樣清潔用具,比如一把掃帚,一個簸箕,幾個拖把。

Each of three jicho men carry a broom , a dustpan , and a rake respectively 他們手持掃帚、簸箕、大掃帚,從事宮中打雜的工作。

I bring the dustpans out to the hall 我把畚箕拿到走廊去。

She takes the broom , leaves the dustpan 她拿走了掃帚,留下了畚箕

I walk down the hall to empty the dustpans 我走到走廊那一頭去清畚箕。

I ' ve brought a broom and dustpan to help clean the place 我帶了掃帚和畚箕來幫忙打掃

I go to the closet and get the brooms and dustpans 我走到柜子去拿掃把和畚箕。

Sweep the melon-seed shells into a dustpan . 把瓜子殼胡嚕到簸箕里。