
dunkirk n.1.敦克爾克〔法國港市,1940年英軍被德軍擊敗后從...


Lockhart , and was killed at the battle near dunkirk against the spaniards : what became of my second brother i never knew any more than father or mother did know what was become of me 大哥是在敦刻爾克附近與西班牙人作戰時陣亡的。至于二哥的下落,我至今一無所知,就像我父母對我后來的境況也全然不知一樣。

The germans had managed to move 60 , 000 soldiers from sicily to mainland italy in a sort of smaller dunkirk , and other german divisions began to come down from the north 德國人以一種小型的敦刻爾刻大撤退的形式,成功地把6萬兵力從西西里部署到意大利大陸,而其他的德國師團也開始南下。

Germany s strength is too great and pushes the british to the coast town of dunkirk where they are trapped 英軍不敵德軍,退守沿海的鄧寇克,前無去路,后有追兵。

During world war ii my uncle was at dunkirk and he says it was certainly no picnic 第二次世界大戰時期,我叔叔正在敦刻爾克,他說那時處境的確非常困難。

Battlefront : battle of arnhem rescue at dunkirk 第二次世界大戰:荷蘭阿納姆之戰比利時鄧寇克戰役

Accurate and excellent accounts have been written of the evacuation of the british and french armies from dunkirk . 關于英國和法國軍隊從敦刻爾克撤退,已有翔實而完善的記載。