
duchy n.1.公國,公爵領地。2.英國王室直轄領地。


Such a cause , for instance , occurs to us as napoleons refusal to withdraw his troops beyond the vistula , and to restore the duchy of oldenburg ; and then again we remember the readiness or the reluctance of the first chance french corporal to serve on a second campaign ; for had he been unwilling to serve , and a second and a third , and thousands of corporals and soldiers had shared that reluctance , napoleons army would have been short of so many men , and the war could not have taken place 如同拿破侖拒絕將自己的軍隊撤回到維斯拉和歸還奧爾登堡公國一樣,我們同樣可認為一個法國軍士愿不愿服第二次兵役是這類原因:因為,如果他不愿服役,第二個,第三個,第一千個軍士和士兵都不愿服役,拿破侖的軍隊就少了一千個人,那么,戰爭也就不可能發生了。

Compulsory education former by european origin , after the beginning that first obligation teachs duchy of ma of the kingdom of wei of germany of ask oneself century , develop through history of nearly 400 years , implemented the compulsory education of different fixed number of years mostly to each country of this age bound 義務教育原由歐洲起源,自問世紀德國魏瑪公國首開義務教育之先河以后,經過近400年的歷史發展,至今世界各國大都實行了不同年限的義務教育。

According to them , if only metternich , rumyantsev , or talleyrand had , in the interval between a leve and a court ball , really taken pains and written a more judicious diplomatic note , or if only napoleon had written to alexander , i consent to restore the duchy to the duke of oldenburg , there would have been no war 因此,只要在皇帝出朝和招待晚會時,梅特涅魯緬采夫好好作一番努力,把公文寫得更巧妙些,或者拿破侖給亞歷山大寫上一封信: monsieur , mon frre , je consens rendre le duch au due doldenbourg ,戰爭就不會發生了。

And even count rastoptchin broke off , feeling that he was on the very border line beyond which criticism was impossible . other domains have been offered him instead of the duchy of oldenburg , said the old prince . he shifts the dukes about , as i might move my serfs from bleak hills to bogutcharovo and the ryazan estates “有人建議用其他領地代替奧爾登堡公國, ”尼古拉安德烈伊奇公爵說, “他叫大公們這樣遷來遷去,就像我叫農夫自童山遷到博古恰羅夫和梁贊的領地去那樣。 ”

Both the queen and charles pay income tax on money which they receive from the duchies . a spokeswoman for charles ' s household , clarence house , said that the duchy of cornwall ' s accounts were already subject to “ rigorous scrutiny “ by the treasury and an independent auditor 據悉,這兩地現分別屬于英女王伊麗莎白二世和英查爾斯王儲名下,是王室財產的一部分,也是王室收入的主要來源,均享有減免稅收的優惠政策。

When sweden lost northern latvia to russia in 1721 , and the duchy of courland replaced its polish ties with russian control in 1795 , russia finally gained its window to the west 1721年瑞典將北部拉脫維亞輸給了俄羅斯, 1795年庫爾蘭( courland )公國丟棄了與波蘭的聯系,轉而接受俄羅斯的控制,俄羅斯也最終獲取了其“西部之窗” 。

These terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the grand duchy of luxembourg and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of luxembourg city 這些條款將被解釋根據并且由盧森堡的宏大公爵領地的法律管理了并且你同意提交到盧森堡的法庭的獨占的權限城市。

Ylaya : reflect , wulfstan , on where we find ourselves . duncan ' s once - proud duchy laid to waste , freyda still unwanted in her home , and you shall be accused of regicide 伊拉婭: ,沃爾夫斯坦,仔細想想吧,我們到哪才能找到自我。鄧肯值得驕傲的領地現在荒廢了,法蕾妲仍然不被她的族人所歡迎。而你,會因弒君罪而被指控。

The centuries during which italy was a collection of separate kingdoms , duchies , and republics has given the modern italians a cuisine with as many subtle variations as their language 幾個世紀以來,意大利經歷了獨立的王國、公爵領地以及共和國等許多時期,這使得當代意大利人的食譜猶如他們的語言一樣絢麗多姿。

Has written to the finance ministry to question this . last year , the committee probed why the money charles earned from the duchy of cornwall had jumped 300 percent in the last decade 英國下議院公共賬目委員會已向英國財政部提交質疑報告,詢問蘭開斯特公爵領地和康沃爾公爵領地為何不受英國稅法的限制。

A historical region and former duchy of north - central germany around which the kingdom of prussia developed . the region is now divided between poland and germany 勃蘭登堡歷史上的宗教領地和原公爵領地,位于德國中北部,普魯士王國在其周圍發展起來。該地區現被波蘭和德國分占

Isabel : we must decide what to do . for my part , i ' m tired of running . i ' ll raise the duchies . the demon cultists must be exposed and destroyed 伊莎貝爾:我們必須想好下一步的打算。至于我,我已經厭倦執政了。公爵的領土由我來負責。那些惡魔的信徒們必須被發現和摧毀。

This new cargo was destined for the coast of the duchy of lucca , and consisted almost entirely of havana cigars , sherry , and malaga wines 這批新貨的目的地是盧加沿岸,貨物幾乎全都是哈瓦那雪茄,白葡萄酒和馬拉加葡萄酒。

Royal fans can now sign up for free email updates on everything from princes william and harry to duchy originals 現在,英王室的追星族們還可以參與為網站更新有關威廉和哈里王子等王室成員的所有新聞。

Royal fans can now sign up for free email updates on everything from princes william and harry to duchy originals 現在,英王室的追星族們還可以參與為網站更新有關威廉和哈? ? ?子等王室成員的所有新聞。

The earliest compulsory education law on the world was 1619 the school law that duchy of ma of german the kingdom of wei announces 世界上最早的義務教育法令是1619年德國魏瑪公國公布的學校法令。

Wulfstan : hah . next time you need a duchy saved , i ' ll make sure i ' m drunk and sleeping 沃爾夫斯坦:嘿。下一次戰爭時,你要保全好你公爵的地位,而我要確保我喝得酩酊大醉,睡得天昏地暗。

Likewise , if enough counties and duchies are taken over by the enemy , the kingdom will change alignment 同樣,如果很多郡和公爵領地被敵人攻占了,那么王國就會變換陣營。

Events can occur in a county , a duchy or a kingdom , and make nobles lose or gain points 伯爵領地,公爵領地以及王國都會發生事變,導致貴族失去或者獲得聲望值