
drummer n.1.鼓手。2.〔美口〕旅行推銷員。


Meimei drummer games 美眉捉迷藏小游戲

Shake ! creative rhythmic workshops and performances by rhythm of life drummers 生命節奏鼓手搖擺樂天堂創意律動工作坊及演出

The drummer stared 推銷員目瞪口呆了。

4455 meimei drummer games 更多同類游戲

“ well , “ he said , looking the drummer over , “ rosy as ever , eh ? “嘿, ”他打量著推銷員說, “氣色和往常一樣好,是吧? ”

If so , back it up until the drummer feels the mic is out of the way 如果是那樣,就把麥克往后移直到鼓手覺得不礙事為止。

. . . a drummer in a band 一個樂隊里的鼓手

“ i tell you , “ said another drummer to him , “ it s a great thing “我告訴你, ”另一個旅行推銷員對他說, “這是件大事。

There were drummers in the square before the bazaar beating the muster - call 商場附近的廣場上站著軍鼓隊,在敲集合鼓。

Get rid of your drummer because he is too slow - get a drum machine instead 將鼓手踢出隊伍,因為他太慢? ?用鼓機代替。

“ i think i ve done a good deal , “ said the drummer , looking around “我看我做的不算少了。 ”推銷員說著看了看四周。

Meimei drummer introduction 美眉鼓手游戲攻略

The drummer had forgotten some bills which he wished to turn into his house 推銷員忘了拿幾張他想交給商號的賬單。

The experienced drummer should know the sweet spot for the tuning 有經驗的鼓手會知道對于調音來說最佳的聽音位置。

I ll get a box for joe jefferson . “ not me , “ answered the drummer 我來訂一個包廂,我們一起去看喬杰佛遜的戲。 ”

Ls she going out with a drummer 他和鼓手約會

Performer : rhythm of life drummers and participants of the creative workshops 演出:生命節奏鼓手和各工作坊參加者

From changji , i m drummer 來自昌吉市,我是鼓手

L never slept with a drummer 我沒跟鼓手上過床