
cytology n.細胞學。

The autopap computer - screening instrument for automated screening , the first and only in hong kong , was installed in the department s cytology laboratory in 1998 with funding from hong kong cancer fund to make pap smear diagnosis more accurate 香港中文大學醫學院病理解剖及細胞學系獲香港癌癥基金會撥款,自1995年在威爾斯親王醫院建立了沙田子宮頸癌普查診所,為沙田區的女性提供免費的柏氏涂片檢查。

Objective : to explore the safety of using diagnostic hysteroscopy in patients with clinical stage one endometrial cancer , whether diagnostic hysteroscopy can increases the risk of positive peritoneal cytology in such patients and affects their post - operative prognosis 摘要目的:探討臨床期子宮內膜癌患者使用診斷性宮腔鏡的安全性,是否增加腹水細胞學的陽性率及對預后的影響。

Main outcome measure relative sensitivity for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 2 or more at blindly reviewed histology , with atypical cells of undetermined significance or more severe cytology considered a positive result 主要觀測指標:液基細胞學檢出盲法觀察組織學為2級或2級以上宮頸上皮內瘤相對靈敏度,不典型增生細胞或較嚴重細胞學異常認為陽性結果。

The public health laboratory services branch comprises five functional divisions , namely , virology division , microbiology division , histopathology & cytology division , chemical pathology & haematology division and neonatal screening division 公共?生化驗服務處有五個功能分部,包括病毒部、微生物部、組織病理及細胞部、化學病理及血液部與初生嬰兒普檢化驗部。

Inspection methods : cyclical vaginal cytology in general menstrual clean , 2 - 3 days . from the vaginal wall was taken out on a vaginal smear , painted in a cycle , pv films exfoliated morphology any cyclical changes 檢查方法:周期性陰道脫落細胞檢查一般于月經干凈后,第2 3天,由陰道側壁取材做陰道涂片1次,涂滿一個周期后,逐片檢查脫落細胞形態有無周期性改變。

Main outcome measure relatie sensitiity for cerical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 2 or more at blindly reiewed histology , with atypical cells of undetermined significance or more seere cytology considered a positie result 主要觀測指標:液基細胞學檢出盲法觀察組織學為2級或2級以上宮頸上皮內瘤相對靈敏度,不典型增生細胞或較嚴重細胞學異常認為陽性結果。

The laboratory is also equipped with helper computers ( pathfinder system ) to help medical technologists improve their examination of pap smears . it is the only cytology laboratory with this technology 沙田子宮頸癌普查診所在1998年更引進了全港第一臺美國食物及藥物管理局( fda )唯一認可的電腦檢查儀器( autopap ) ,大大提高了柏氏涂片檢查的準確性。

Histopathology cytology division the histopathology cytology division provides both diagnostic and screening service to our clients including government clinics and some hospital authority institutions 組織病理及細胞部提供診斷性及普查篩檢的化驗服務,我們服務的對象包括政府診所及一些醫院管理局轄下的機構。

These taxa are very difficult to be distinguished . the taxonomic confusion in the complex comes from the fact that very little is known of its diversity and complexity in morphology and cytology 三脈紫菀復合體在形態上和細胞學上的多樣性和復雜性,使之成為公認的分類學上的“困難類群” 。

These will lay a foundation for students to learn plant taxonomy , plant physiology , plant ecology , plant resources , genetics , cytology , molecular biology , etc . in the future 這將為學生以后學習植物分類學、植物生理學、植物生態學、植物資源學、遺傳學、細胞學、分子生物學等打下基礎。

Conclusion : diagnostic hysteroscopy had not increase the risk of positive peritoneal cytology , also had no adverse effect on prognosis in clinical stage one endometrial cancer patients 結論:診斷性宮腔鏡未增加臨床期子宮內膜癌患者陽性腹水細胞學的風險,亦未對預后造成不良影響。

Conclusion liquid based cytology showed no statistically significant difference in sensitivity to conventional cytology for detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 2 or more 結論:在宮頸上皮內瘤2級或2級以上患者中,液基細胞學與常規細胞學檢測無顯著差別。

Methods we collected 134 cases of breast tumors which had been proved by pathology and observed them by rotary wet needle aspiration biopsy cytology , all the clinical data were reviewed 方法回顧性分析134例經濕針旋轉式針吸術檢查且有病理組織學診斷的乳腺腫塊病例。

Ready - to - use test kits for gynaecologic cytology smears preparation system ready - to - use test kits suitable for use on tripath autocyte prep system for gynaecologic cytological smears 適用于tripathautocyteprep系統的即用測試物料,以供制作婦科細胞學單一涂層

Conclusions rotary wet needle aspiration biopsy cytology is simple and convenient , rapid , safe , economic and less pain , which can be popularized in clinic 結論濕針旋轉式針吸術具有簡便、快速、經濟、安全、痛苦小等優點,在臨床中值得推廣應用。

If the scan reveals nothing particular , but hearing still deteriorates , csf cytology or repeated mri scan should be performed 當第一次核磁共振檢查沒有發現異常,但聽力再度惡化時,則極須再安排核磁共振檢查或腦脊髓液檢查以佐證之。

The paper summarizes the research advances of orchidaceae plants in comparative morphology , cytology , biochemistry and molecular biology 本文綜述了近幾年來蘭科植物在比較形態學、細胞學、生物化學和分子生物學的研究進展。

To date , little is known about the cytology , biochemical properties and biological roles of vegetative storage proteins in woody plants 至今,對樹木營養貯藏蛋白質的細胞學、生物化學性質和生物學功能了解得還很不夠。

Studies on morphology are foundations of studies on cytology and molecular biology , and provide sources for heredity breeding 形態研究為細胞學和分子生物學研究提供基礎,并為遺傳育種提供重要素材。

Preoperative tissue diagnosis such as aspiration cytology or core needle biopsy can provide important information and proper treatment planning 術前最好有細胞或病理診斷,以提供較好的處理規劃。