
cysticercus n.(pl. -ci ) 【動物;動物學】囊尾幼蟲。


For example , a large quantity of roundworms in the intestines can cause intestinal obstruction ; cysticercus cellulosa can apply pressure to the brain tissues , causing epilepsy ; intestinal flukes stick to the mucosa of the intestine with suckers , which can cause inflammation , hemorrhaging or even destruction of intestinal tissue 2機械性作用:寄生蟲可通過阻塞壓迫和直接損害,而對宿主造成危害,例如小腸內有大量蛔蟲寄生時,可導致腸梗阻。豬囊尾蚴可壓迫腦組織引起癲癇發作,姜片蟲用吸盤吸附在腸粘膜上,可造成炎癥出血,乃至糜爛等。

When people eat raw or incompletely cooked pork containing cysticerci , the cysticerci are stimulated by the bile in the alimentary canal and retract their heads so as to hook onto the intestinal mucosa . proglottids segments grow continuously from their necks and form adult worms in two to three months . usually , there is one adult worm in the human body , but there may also be several of them 人們生食或攝食污染熟食或未煮透的含囊尾蚴的豬肉時,含囊尾蚴在消化道內受到膽汁的刺激,頭節翻出,固著在腸粘膜,從頸部不斷長出節片,約經二到三個月,發育為成蟲,人體內通常寄生一條成蟲,也可寄生數條。

But inchoate discovery blood - vessel of disease of cysticercus of abscess of block of tumor , head , cerebral hemorrhage , head , head and congenital head is unbalanced , return the sort that can define hydrocephalus and matter 可早期發現腫瘤、腦梗塞、腦出血、腦膿腫、腦囊蟲癥及先天性腦血管畸形,還可確定腦積水的種類及原因。

Study on the enzyme - organ chemisty of the activities of saccharometabolism enzymes in the development of cysticercus cellulosae and under the drugs against cysticercus cellulosae 豬囊尾蚴發育過程中及在抗囊藥物作用下幾種糖代謝酶的組織化學研究

The scanning electron microscopic observation on cysticercus cellulosae treated with chinese materia media of compound mienangling and simple prescription in vitro 中藥復方與單方對豬囊尾蚴體外抑制作用的掃描電鏡觀察

Scanning electron microscope observation of cysticercus cellulosae treated with dazolum drugs in vitro 苯駢咪唑類藥物對豬囊尾蚴體外作用的光鏡和掃描電鏡觀察

The study on inhibitory effect of mienangling on cysticercus cellulosae in vitro and its toxicological roles 滅囊靈對體外豬囊尾蚴的抑制作用和毒理學研究

Preliminary study on a proteolytic enzyme from cysticercus cellulosae 豬囊尾蚴蛋白水解酶的初步研究

Influences of th1 th2 cytokines in host with cysticercus cellulosae 2相關細胞因子的影響研究

At necropsy cattle dead from intercurrent disease, cysticerci infested tissues should be destroyed by incineration or deep burial . 剖檢由于間發性疾病死亡的病牛,凡是囊尾幼蟲侵襲的組織應該一律通過焚化或深埋予以銷毀。