
cypriot adj.塞浦路斯島的;塞浦路斯人[語]的。n.塞浦路斯人...


German chancellor angela merkel ' s husband joachim sauer 2ndr talks with then french president jacques chirac ' s wife bernadette 2ndl , british prime minister tony blair ' s wife cherie and cypriot president tassos papadopoulos “ wife fotini 25 march in berlin 德國總理安吉拉默克爾的丈夫尤沃欽薩奧爾是個頗為低調的人,可在即將召開的八國集團首腦峰會上,他卻有一個艱巨的任務。

The ann summers spokesman said : “ the remote control only has a range of six metres . we have still been selling them in cyprus , but with a warning urging cypriots not to use it unless they travel abroad . Ann summers公司的一位發言人說,如今這種在歐洲各地都可以銷售的成人玩具在塞浦路斯觸礁了,公司只好警告塞浦路斯客戶說,你必須到國外去玩這種可以在6米之內遙控操作的玩具。

However , the eu promised to end its embargo of the north when the un ' s unification plan for the island was accepted by the turkish - cypriots but rejected by the greek - cypriots in april 2004 但是,當2004年4月,聯合國就塞島統一的方案被土族塞浦路斯人接受而遭到希族塞浦路斯人否決之時,歐盟曾許諾會解除對北塞(土族區)的貿易禁運。

The cypriot , british and dutch organisers hope to string together as many as 100 , 000 bras on april 30 , beating the current record of 79 , 000 bras held by singapore , and forming a 90 kilometre 56 mile chain 據路透社4月19日報道, 4月30日,塞浦路斯當地的英國和荷蘭居民計劃將10萬只胸罩連在一起組成一條長達90公里的“胸罩鏈” 。

Fighting in 1974 displaced more than a third of the population as some 180 , 000 greek cypriots fled south and 45 , 000 turkish cypriots went to the northern turkish - occupied area ( 37 percent of the island ) 1974年戰爭使大約180000希臘裔塞浦路斯人逃往南方, 45000土耳其裔塞浦路斯人來到北方土耳其控制區(占該島37 ) 。

Cyprus has been split since 1974 between the greek - cypriot south , seat of the eu - recognized government , and the turkish - cypriot north , which is recognized only by turkey 如果卡蘇利季斯獲勝,他很有可能會在下周和塞浦路斯北部的土族塞浦路斯領導人塔拉特取得聯系,結束塞浦路斯土族和希族之間的交流僵局。

Cypriot police said on thursday they had busted a crime ring organising marriages of convenience between local women and foreigners seeking residency permits 日前,塞浦路斯警方一舉破獲了一個地下賣婚團伙,該犯罪集團將當地女性賣給需要獲得該國居住權的外國人,以從中牟取暴利。

Cypriot police said on thursday they had busted a crime ring organising marriages of convenience between local women and foreigners seeking residency permits 日前,塞普勒斯警方一舉破獲了一個地下賣婚團,該犯罪集團將當地女性賣給需要獲得該國居住權的外國人,以從中牟取暴利。

There could even be 10 new tongues , for if greek and turkish cypriots vote for reunification before then , turkish will become the eu ' s 21st language 歐盟將如何來應對這一形勢呢?即使只有20種語言,歐洲的“巴比倫塔”就開始吱吱作響了。

The work is a homage to emin ' s turkish cypriot father who , according to the artist , is a fantastic gardner but a terrible carpenter 這是翠西對她土耳其父親的一種敬意,據她說,她父親是個喜歡幻想的園丁,一個很差勁的木匠。

Seventy per cent of irish people suffering emotional problems seek help from their doctor compared to just 38 per cent of cypriots 遭遇情感問題的愛爾蘭人向他們的醫生求助,而塞浦路斯人僅有38 % 。

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Turkey certainly has a legal obligation to open trade links with the ( greek - cypriot ) republic 土耳其當然有法律義務向(希族)塞浦路斯共和國開放貿易通道。

Take a minute to get to know cyprus , and find out what makes the cypriot people tick 花一點時間來了解塞浦路斯這個國家,看看塞浦路斯人的生活重心為何。

Another gesture towards accepting the legitimacy of the cypriot government would help 在承認塞浦路斯政府的合法性方面再作一次積極的姿態將會大有裨益。

The europeans should now be pressing the greek - cypriots to give way over the embargo 歐洲人如今應該向希族-塞浦路斯施壓,促其對解除貿易禁運放行。