
cynic n.1.(古希臘)犬儒學派的門徒。2.〔c-〕 好挖苦人...


Cynics may scoff at the marketing gloss , but the 18 month start - up ' s products sell across the world 有些憤世嫉俗者可能會嘲諷這種營銷手段,但事實證明,這家成立了僅18個月的公司生產的產品暢銷全球。

He added . cynics may scoff at the gloss , but the 18 month start - up ' s products sell across the world 有些憤世嫉俗者可能會嘲諷這種營銷手段,但事實證明,這家成立了僅18個月的公司生產的產品暢銷全球。

This is my job . interviewer : how are you going to convince hard - boiled cynics that this is the right way to go about things 問你如何說服那些好批評懷疑的人,讓他們明白這就是他們應走的道路?

Some cynics have spoken about a marriage of onvenience , others are asking how she can dossibly stay 有些人冷言冷語地說這是樁交易性的大婚姻,另外一些人則問她怎么可能還能再忍受下去。

The cynics crow that anybody could win the league with chelsea ' s money , yet claudio ranieri did not 有些憤世嫉俗者說如果能象切爾西這么有錢,誰都可以獲得成功,但是拉捏利就沒有。

The cynics have become cynics because their love was not returned or somebody wasn t honest with them 憤世嫉俗的人很多時是因為付出了愛,沒有得著回報,又或是別人欺騙了他們。

Cynic : a blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are , not as they ought to be 憤世嫉俗者:一介鄙夫,他的有缺陷的視力,只看到他想看的東西,而不是它們應該的樣子

Cynics are indifferent to the world , because they need little from it , live in a barrel if need be 犬儒對世界無動于衷,是因為他們對世界所需甚少,木桶也可棲身。

To counter the cynics , mr bush will need to show sustained attention to the details as well 為了改變不信任他的人的觀點,布什先生還必須不斷對具體內容保持注意。

What is a cynic ? a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing 什么是諷世者?就是知道所有事物的價錢而不知道它們的價值的人。

Cynics are people who know the price of everything and the value of nothing 憤世嫉俗者是這樣的人,他們知道每件事物的價格,但不知道它們的價值。

What is a cynic ? a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing 什么叫憤世嫉俗者?一個知道每個事物價格而不知道價值的人

Roberts is a real cynic ; he won ' t accept anything or anyone on face value 羅伯特實在是一個玩世不恭的人;他不會對任何事或任何人信以為真。

A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing 玩世不恭者是知道一切事物的價格,卻不知道任何東西的價值的人。

A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing 一個憤世嫉俗的人知道所有東西的價格,不知道任何東西的價值。

The cynic puts all human actions into two classes : openly bad and secretly bad 憤世嫉俗者把所有人類的行為分為兩等:公開的壞和秘密的壞

Cynics have criticized the constitution as the child of greed and sectional rivalries 憤世者批評美國憲法是貪婪和區域間競爭的產物。

When he was 18 years old , he was a cynic . he was not a believer in god 十八歲時,他很憤世疾俗,他不是神的信徒,回轉的過程很奇妙。

A cynic is a man who , when he smells flowers , looks around for a coffin 好冷嘲人生者,是個當他聞到花香之時就會四處找尋棺材的人。