
cutlery n.刀具;餐刀;刀劍制造[修理、販賣]業者。


Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs . cutlery and table holloware . part 4 : requirements for gold plated cutlery 接觸食品的材料和器具.餐具和凹型餐具.第4部分:鍍金餐具的要求

High frequency electri - cutlery and motion artifact are important reasons of measurement error and wrong warning message 高頻電刀的干擾,和運動偽差,是造成測量誤差和誤報警的重要原因。

Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - cutlery and table holloware - requirements for gold - plated cutlery 與食品密切接觸的材料和物品.餐具和桌上餐盤.鍍金餐具的要求

The spring is the best time for ironmongery , cutlery ware , and furniture for furnishing houses 我們進口這些商品數量很大,因為人們大多從事農業、畜牧業及開墾與改良土地的勞作。

All plates served from right , ladies first . server check for beverage refills and correct cutleries 所有菜均從右側上,女士優先。服務員檢查客人的飲料添加和餐具是否正確。

There are several of kinds of cutlery such as knife , fish spoon , serving fork , potato server and butter knives 其中有各種餐具,如:餐刀、魚叉、上菜叉、土豆匙和黃油刀。

Child use and care articles - cutlery and feeding utensils - safety requirements and tests ; german version en 14372 : 2004 兒童用護理用品.刀叉和喂養工具.安全要求和試驗

Whether it will provide financial incentives to encourage schools to use reusable food containers and cutlery 會否提供經濟誘因,鼓勵學校采用可再用的飯盒和餐具?

It uses two - way cutlery device to finish noching the paperboard bag , color bag and ocatgonal bag simultaneously 雙向列并,刀進縱橫向一次完成紙張開槽工序。

It uses two - way cutlery device to finish noching the paperboard bag , color bag and ocatgonal bag simultaneously 雙向進刀,并列縱橫向一次完成紙張開槽工序。

And the fun even extends to food - we serve children s meals with colourful cutlery 甚至食物也精彩有趣!我們提供的兒童餐,使用色彩鮮艷的刀叉。

For infants and other young children , and they are served in special trays with colourful cutlery ,也為兒童準備了特制的碗碟和色彩鮮艷的餐具。

Class 8 hand tools and implements ( hand operated ) ; cutlery ; side arms ; razors 商標注冊類別8手工用具和器械(手工操作的) ;刀叉餐具;佩刀,剃刀。

Child use and care articles - cutlery and feeding utensils - safety requirements and tests 兒童使用和護理用品.刀叉和喂養用具.安全要求和試驗

Manufacturing sales : chemical fiber cutlery , built cd , mechanical equipment and accessories 制造銷售:化纖刀具、濾芯碟片、機械設備及配件。

Child use and care articles - cutlery and feeding utensils - safety requirements and tests 兒童使用和護理用品.刀叉和喂養工具.安全要求和試驗

Class8 : hand tools and implements ( hand operated ) ; cutlery ; side arms ; razors 類別8 :手工用具和器械(手工操作的) ;刀叉餐具;佩刀,剃刀。

We use all kinds of cutlery to cut meat or vegetables , and to peel fruits or vegetables 還有各種刀具用于切肉或青菜、削水果皮或蔬菜皮等。

Tools , implements , cutlery , spoons and forks of base metal ; parts thereof of base metal 卑金屬制工具、器具、利器、匙、叉及其卑金屬零件