
curacy n.副牧師的身份[職位]。


On that same occasion i learned , for the first time , from miss abbot s communications to bessie , that my father had been a poor clergyman ; that my mother had married him against the wishes of her friends , who considered the match beneath her ; that my grandfather reed was so irritated at her disobedience , he cut her off without a shilling ; that after my mother and father had been married a year , the latter caught the typhus fever while visiting among the poor of a large manufacturing town where his curacy was situated , and where that disease was then prevalent : that my mother took the infection from him , and both died within a month of each other 就是這一回,我從艾博特與貝茜的文談中第一次獲悉,我父親生前是個牧師,我母親違背了朋友們的意愿嫁給了他,他們認為這樁婚事有失她的身份。我的外祖父里德,因為我母親不聽話而勃然大怒,一氣之下同她斷絕了關系,沒留給她一個子兒。我父母親結婚才一年,父親染上了斑疹傷寒,因為他奔走于副牧師供職地區一個大工業城鎮的窮人中間,而當時該地流行著斑疹傷寒。

His brothers had already left the vicarage to proceed on a walking tour in the north , whence one was to return to his college , and the other to his curacy 他的兩個哥哥早已經離開牧師住宅,往北徒步旅行去了,旅行完了,就一個回他的學院,另一個回到他的副牧師職位上去。