
culpable adj.該責備的,應受罰的;有罪的,有過失的。 culp...


“ ah , “ said villefort , “ this seems to me the truth . if you have been culpable , it was imprudence , and this imprudence was in obedience to the orders of your captain . give up this letter you have brought from elba , and pass your word you will appear should you be required , and go and rejoin your friends “是的, ”維爾福說, “看來這象是實事,既使你有錯,也只能算是疏忽罪,而且即然是奉了你船長的命令,這種疏忽罪就不算什么了,你把從厄爾巴島帶來的這封信交給我們,記下你的話,然后回到你的朋友那里去吧,需要你的時候,你再來。 ”

This distinction , though by no means a subtle one , was yet too subtle for mr clare the elder , and he went on with the story he had been about to relate ; which was that after the death of the senior so - called d urberville the young man developed the most culpable passions , though he had a blind mother , whose condition should have made him know better 這段插話盡管決不是不可理解的插話,但是對老克萊爾先生來說就不好理解了,于是他就繼續說開了他剛才敘述的故事故事里說,那個所謂的老德貝維爾死后,年輕的德貝維爾就放蕩起來,做下了許多該受到最嚴厲懲罰的風流勾當,他還有一個瞎眼的母親,他本應該從她的情形中知道警戒的。

Summing up from the limited case laws , it would appear that the offence covers a situation where a public officer wilfully neglects to perform an official duty . the neglect has to be culpable to such a degree that the misconduct impugned was calculated to injure the public interest so as to call for condemnation and punishment 但要構成罪行,該項疏忽必須在沒有合理辯解或理由的情況下出現,而有關的不當行為又必須被視為足以損害公眾利益,因而有需要作出譴責及懲罰。

The neglect has to be culpable in the sense of being without reasonable excuses or justifications and of such a degree that the misconduct impugned was calculated to injure the public interest so as to call for condemnation and punishment 但要構成罪行,該項疏忽必須在沒有合理辯解或理由的情況下出現,而有關的不當行為又必須被視為足以損害公眾利益,因而有需要作出譴責及懲罰。

The neglect has to be culpable to such a degree that the misconduct impugned was calculated to injure the public interest so as to call for condemnation and punishment 但要構成罪行,該項疏忽必須在沒有合理辯解或理由的情況下出現,而有關的不當行為又必須被視為足以損害公眾利益,因而有需要作出譴責及懲罰。

None of this necessarily means that gap is a bad company , o ` r culpable in the saipan case . but it does illustrate the difficulty in making ethical investing decisions 這都不意味著蓋普是個差勁的公司,或者在西潘事件中是有罪的。但它確實說明了在作出道德性投資決策方面存在的困難。

The results of what you have done become in time to you utterly insupportable ; you take measures to obtain relief : unusual measures , but neither unlawful nor culpable 你行為的惡果,到頭來使你絕對無法忍受。你采取措施以求獲得解脫,非正常的措施,但既不是非法,也并非有罪。

Why has samura felt able to go further than his journalistic colleagues in this country in suggesting that africans can be culpable rather than always the passive victims 為什么薩穆拉能夠超越這個國家的那些說非洲人應受到責備,而不該一直以來扮演受害者角色的同行們?

Arsenal were left with a metaphorical bloody nose after a failure to convert a string of presentable opportunities , with emmanuel adebayor the most culpable 至于周六的比賽,坎貝爾的傷病對我們影響不大,因為我們總是每兩場比賽就更換一個陣容。 ”

Was she not more truly mrs alexander d urberville ? could intensity of love justify what might be considered in upright souls as culpable reticence 由于她保持沉默,在正直的人看來就應該受到責備,難道強烈的愛情就能夠免去對她的責備嗎?

Consequently , he bears penal liability instead of civil tort liability , and is culpable in the light of prc ' s penal code 因此,該男子應承擔的是刑事責任,而不是民事侵權責任,依據中國的刑法典應受到追究。

While it ' s so popular to blame it all on jeff van gundy , bonzi was at least 50 percent culpable in what happened last season 雖然上賽季大家都怪范甘迪,但是依我看,維爾斯至少要負有一半的責任。

“ the committee has not found any individual deemed to be culpable of negligence , lack of diligence or maladministration 專家委員會認為沒有人因疏忽職守,未盡全力或行政失當而應受到譴責。

I would not be culpable for dividing and restricting computer users , but it would happen nonetheless 我將不會因分開和限制計算機用戶而被指責,雖然如此,這種情形會繼續發生。

Just as there can be culpable omissions , so too can there be blameless acts 正如因未履行某種職責受到處罰一樣,人也可能因干了某事而不受責難。

Culpable insider dealing 應受譴責的內幕交易

There was the crime , bertuccio - that was where you became really culpable . 這是罪過啊,貝爾圖喬。 ”

But social mores are also culpable 另一方面,社會風氣也有罪責。

“ what culpable carelessness in her brother ! “她哥哥的粗心可真造孽!