
bye n.1.枝節,小事,附屬事物。2.【板球】球越過打手及守...

Ok . i ' ll let you know as soon as i do . bye . “ 那好.讓我陪你知道我會盡快做.再見.

bye team

- no pressure , but you gotta win it . - bye -不是給你壓力,但是你一定要贏-再見

Bye , honey . excuse me . where were we 再見,親愛的不好意思,我們說到哪兒了?

Mary ) lovely evening . - ( peter ) thank you . bye 多么美好的夜晚-謝謝你,再見

Bye - bye . bye - bye . oh . no . please , never . neversay goodbye 親愛的.我們生個天使好么

I can ' t believe she left without saying good - bye 真不敢相信她連再見都不說就走了

10 this way , please . 11 good - bye , mary . bye - bye 請這邊走。再見,瑪麗。再見。

Then you and i must bid good - bye for a little while “那你我得暫時告別了? ”

Bye - bye , please take care , welcome to you next time 再見,請走好,歡迎下次光臨!

Well , it was really good seeing you ladies . bye 女士們,見到你們很高興,再見

Well , good - bye to youpyotr kirillovitch , wasnt it 再見了,彼得基里洛維奇! ”

Yes . today , you have aged a little . good - bye 是啊.今天,你又長大了一點點.再見

I prepared something else ! bye , janghoon 我還為你準備了別的!再會, janghoon

Tell good - bye to your mother and your fucking kids . . 跟你的母親和孩子道別. .

After saying good - bye to us , they hastened off 他們和我們告別后,就匆忙走了。

Jack : okay . you have a nice day , too ! good - bye 好,也祝你有愉快的一天!再見。

One for you . and none for gretchen wieners . bye 你的一個,格雷琴?維納斯沒有,拜

Thankyou , mr . president ! good - bye now ! - bye 非常謝謝您,總統先生,再見-再見

Then that is your misfortune . good - bye , rebecca 而那正是你的不幸再見,利蓓加