
buzzard n.1.【動物;動物學】鶙鵳,美國禿鷹。2.營營發聲的昆...

“ how comes it that all do not retreat in aversion at sight of that flat , receding , serpent - like forehead , round , vulture - shaped head , and sharp - hooked nose , like the beak of a buzzard “前額平坦而微凹,象條赤練蛇頭顱圓圓的,象兀鷹鼻子又尖又勾,象荒鷲這樣一副尊容為什么大家不一見就厭惡地躲開呢?

New york - - pitching was always a big question mark for the yankees , even before what johnny damon called “ buzzard luck “ struck them with injuries to three of their five starting pitchers - -對洋基來說,投手一直是個問題,即使在大門表示有所謂的”倒楣到家”的情況:五位先發有三位受傷之前也是。


One cheerful homeless man named buzzard went straight over to the brother dressed as santa and said , i have one wish for christmas : love , peace and happiness for the whole world ! and the brother replied , what a wonderful , compassionate wish that is 一位名叫巴查德的男游民直接走向圣誕老人,興奮地許下圣誕愿望:希望全世界充滿愛和平與快樂!圣誕老人報以熱情的回答:這是個多么美好慈悲的愿望啊!

“ how comes it that all do not retreat in aversion at sight of that flat , receding , serpent - like forehead , round , vulture - shaped head , and sharp - hooked nose , like the beak of a buzzard “前額平坦而微凹,象條赤練蛇頭顱圓圓的,象兀鷹鼻子又尖又勾,象荒鷲這樣一副尊容為什么大家不一見就厭惡地躲開呢?

New york - - pitching was always a big question mark for the yankees , even before what johnny damon called “ buzzard luck “ struck them with injuries to three of their five starting pitchers - -對洋基來說,投手一直是個問題,即使在大門表示有所謂的”倒楣到家”的情況:五位先發有三位受傷之前也是。

The other said it showed how miserly the old buzzard was - getting other people to do what he could have done a thousand times over without feeling it a mite 另一方則堅持這恰恰證明了這個自私的老家伙有多么吝嗇- -這種事情他一個人做再多遍也不過是九牛一毛,他卻要讓全鎮都參與進來。

Deng wh , gao w , zhao j . 2004 . breeding biology of grey - faced buzzard in northeastern china . journal of raptor research 38 : 263 - 269 王海濤、高瑋、萬冬梅、劉多、鄧文洪. 2003 .利用天然樹洞繁殖的五種鳥的巢位特征及繁殖成功率.生態學報, 23 : 1377 1385

I had this particular bit of local garbage from our garbage bird , our ibis , our scavenging turkey - buzzard , mrs bolton 這些廢話是從我們的廢話鳥,我們的朱鶯,我們的吃腐肉的幾鷹波太太那里聽來的。

In a week , the buzzards and the ants will have done away with him anyway 用不了一周,禿鷹和螞蟻就會把他吃的一干二凈

Buzzards ain ' t spotted him yet 禿鷹還沒有發現他

Mountain men , wolves , and buzzards , 山里人,狼,還有禿鷹

And leave him to the ants and the buzzards 把他留給螞蟻和禿鷹

You want to run away , them buzzards will pick you clean 如果你想逃跑的話,禿鷹會把你吃干凈的。

The buzzard would have gotten fat on us all right 禿鷹光吃我們就吃飽了

? a buzzard took the monkey for a ride in the air ? 一只禿鷹從空中叼走了錢

Oh , man ! we thought you were buzzard food 嗨,我還以為你們成了禿鷹的食物。