
buyer n.1.買方;買主。2.采購員,貨物代辦人。


Many buyers and sellers do not wish to lock in a fixed price, because that forecloses potential gains as well as losses . 許多賣主和買主不希望為固定價格所束縛,因為這樣雖然避免了潛在的損失,但也杜絕了潛在的收益。

A buyer either places a closed indent, which names the supplier, or an open indent, which leaves the choice of supplier to the agent . 買方或提出閉口定貨單,指定供貨商;或提出開口訂貨,由代理商自己選擇供貨商。

If the buyer is a stockist, he will have to purchase and finance stocks on which he may not get his money back for a long time . 假如這買方是進貨后貯存待銷,則購貨及貯存所動用的資金有可能在長時期內無法收回。

These were the main reasons why the opec countries were able to observe a scramble among buyers to pay higher prices for oil in 1973 . 這些就是石油輸出國組織國家能觀察到買主在1973年高價爭購石油的主要原因。

Once it was clear to buyers that the sky was not falling, the excessive inventories of oil had to be sold at much lower prices . 買主一旦確信天不會塌下來,過量的石油庫存就不得不按低得多的價格銷售。

The payment by the buyer was therefore an advance payment for an executory contract which the seller had not performed . 買方所付之款項系為一份應于訂立后再履行而賣方尚未履行的契約而約付的預付款。

The buyer must examine the goods, or cause them to be examined, within as short a period as is practicable in the circumstances . 買方必須在按情況實際可行的最短時間內檢驗貨物或責成他人檢驗貨物。

The buyer is not deprived of any right he may have to claim damages by exercising his right to other remedies . 買方可能享有的要求損害賠償的任何權利,不因他行使采取其它補救辦法的權利而喪失。

The buyer may not, during that period of time, resort to any remedy which is inconsistent with performance by the seller . 買方不得在該段時間內采取與賣方履行義務相抵觸的任何補救辦法。

If the seller delivers the goods before the fixed date, the buyer may take delivery or refuse to take delivery . 如果賣方在規定的日期前交付貨物,買方可以收取貨物,也可以拒絕收取貨物。

The value of goods and services is determined by the quality available compared with the number of possible buyers . 商品和勞務的價值是由現有數量與可能有的買主數目之比所決定的。

Figure 10. 2 portrays a monopoly or cartel that has managed to extract maximum profits from its buyers . 圖10-2展示了一個想方設法向其買主榨取了最大利潤的壟斷集團或卡特爾的情況。

In a cif contract title to the goods is conditionally transferred to the buyer on delivery of the bill of lading . 在CIF契約中,貨物的產權于交付提單時有條件地轉移給買方。

This buyer is the sort of man who will choose something because it is sixpence cheaper than the next article . 這個人是這么個買主,一樣東西哪怕只便宜幾個便士也要挑三家。

He was a grain buyer and the agent for several insurance companies and he also loaned money at high rates of interest . 他收買糧食,是好幾家保險公司的掮客,還放高利貸。

I sell only on the condition that the buyer does not transfer the property to a company at a higher figure . 我賣的唯一條件是,買主不得以高價把資產轉手倒賣給別的公司。

Other captains and buyers were in the big room examining the pearls that were to be auctioned next day . 別的船長和買主都在那間大房子里,參觀第二天就要拍賣的珠寶。

The buyer bears the full cost and risk involved in bringing the goods from there to the desired destination . 買方承擔由那里將貨物運至所需目的地全部費用和風險。

The buyer who stocks up on skateboards considers the probability of the life of this particular fad . 訂購滑板的商人,一定會考慮滑雪熱潮能夠持續多久的概率。