
busybody 好事的人,愛管閑事的人。


And withal they learn to be idle , wandering about from house to house ; and not only idle , but tattlers also and busybodies , speaking things which they ought not 提前5 : 13并且他們又習慣懶惰、挨家閑游不但是懶惰、又說長道短、好管閑事、說些不當說的話。

And withal they learn to be idle , wandering about from house to house ; and not only idle , but tattlers also and busybodies , speaking things which they ought not 13并且他們又習慣懶惰,挨家閑游。不但是懶惰,又說長道短,好管閑事,說些不當說的話。

For we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined life , doing no work at all , but acting like busybodies 11因我們聽說、在你們中間有人不按規矩而行、甚麼工都不作、反倒專管事。

2 thes . 3 : 11 for we hear of some walking among you disorderly , doing no work at all , but being busybodies 帖后三11因我們聽說,在你們中間有些人不按規矩而行,什麼工都不作,反倒好管?事。

For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly , working not at all , but are busybodies 帖后3 : 11因我們聽說、在你們中間有人不按規矩而行、甚麼工都不作、反倒專管閑事。

For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly , working not at all , but are busybodies 11因我們聽說,在你們中間有人不按規矩而行,什么工都不作,反倒專管閑事。

For we hear of some walking among you disorderly , doing no work at all , but being busybodies 11因我們聽說,在你們中間有些人不按規矩而行,什么工都不作,反倒好管閑事。

And not only do they become idlers , but also gossips and busybodies , saying things they ought not to 不但是懶惰,又說長道短,好管閑事,說些不當說的話。

11 we hear that some among you are idle . they are not busy ; they are busybodies 11因我們聽說,在你們中間有人不按規矩而行,什麼工都不做,反倒專管?事。

Those busybodies always seemed to have some - thing to gossip about 那些愛搬弄事非之流似乎總是有什么事可以給他們說長道短的。

You ' re such a busybody 你真是愛管閑事

Sara is a busybody , always poking her nose into other people ' s affairs 薩拉是個好管閑事的人,老是打聽別人的事。

She is an interfering old busybody ! 她是個愛管閑事的女人!

Stay away from it, you busybody . 讓開吧,你這個好管閑事的人。