
bustle vi.1.喧鬧。2.忙亂,奔忙(about; up). ...

“you, be careful,“ cried tremaine, bustling up close . “你當心點兒,”屈里曼喊起來,逼近她來。


Than the overwhelming hustle - bustle of the city 要比城市鋪天蓋地的繁華匆忙要好

The morning passed as usual. mademoiselle, ever breathlessly busy, spent it in bustling from kitchen to parlour, now scolding sarah, now looking over caroline's exercise . 這天早晨象平常一樣地過去。小姐一直忙得氣都透不過來,整個早晨她都花在奔波于廚房與客廳之間,一會兒責罵薩拉,一會兒查看卡羅琳的習題。

Antonia's figure, with its throat settled in the collar of her cape, slender, tall, severe, looked impatient and remote amongst the bustle . 安東妮亞的脖子舒適地藏在她的披肩的衣領里,身材纖巧,頎長,面容嚴肅,在雜沓的人群中顯得又急躁又冷漠。

The day passed most pleasantly away, the morning in bustle and shopping, and the evening at one of the theatres . 這一天真過得極其愉快,上午亂哄哄地忙做一團,又要出去買東西;晚上上戲院去看戲。

The head floor nurse, mrs. ludlow, bustled in. normally preoccupied and serious, she was beaming . 樓層護士長勒德洛太太快步走了進來。往常這個時候,她總十分嚴肅,忙得脫不開身,可現在笑容可掬。

The bustle in the vestibule, as she passed along an inner lobby, assured her that they were already in the house . 她走過一條內門廊時,聽到門廳里有喧噪聲,于是她斷定他們已經進入住宅。

His square-framed perpendicularity showed more fully now than in the crowd and bustle of the market house . 現在,他那寬厚而結實的身材比在那熙攘、喧鬧的交易棚中顯得更加挺直。

It was a relief to framton when the aunt bustled into the room with a whirl of apologies for being late . 福拉姆敦見她姑媽急急走來并連聲道歉表示怠慢,心中寬慰不少。

My brother and i stood against a wall while the bustling women worked frantically over my mother . 我和弟弟靠墻站著,這時,那些手忙腳亂的婦女們在拼命地研究著媽媽。

He hated being transplanted from his home in the country to the noise and bustle of life in the city . 他很不喜歡從鄉間的居所遷居到了喧鬧的城市里。

The bustling interior radiated with enormous, engulfing waves of fun and warmth . 里面是熙熙攘攘,洋溢著淹沒一切的一片熱烈的歡樂氣氛。

After a bustle of mysterious preparations by hepzibah, clifford returned to his house . 經過赫普茲芭一番秘密活動,克利弗德回到了住宅。

The whole place exhaled the febrile bustle of the saloon on a holiday morning . 整個地方都彌漫著一片假日早晨酒店里那種熱火朝天的氣氛。

Mcteague came and went furtively, dizzied and made uneasy by all this bustle . 麥克梯格偷偷摸摸地走進走出,給這一陣忙亂弄得頭昏眼花。

She's looking down on the continued bustling activity of the main terminal concourse . 她俯視候機主樓大廳里持續的熙熙攘攘的活動。

The house has been in great bustle all the morning with people coming and going . 這所房子整整一個早晨,人們跑進跑出,亂騰騰的。

This place is very quiet , quite different from the hustle and bustle of the cities . 這個地方很安靜,與城市的擁擠喧囂十分不同。

There was a considerable bustle round the table, and the waiters became very active . 圍著桌子一陣大大的紛忙,茶房們極其活躍。