
bungalow n.有涼臺的平房,平房。

Our most recent project is building “ heavenly dream bungalows “ for older disciples 我們最近的計畫是建造數棟天堂之夢小屋給年紀較大的同修使用。

It turned out that his “ country cottage “ was an enormous bungalow 他的“鄉下房子”原來是一座大平房。


The train stopped , at eight o clock , in the midst of a glade some fifteen miles beyond rothal , where there were several bungalows and workmen s cabins 早晨八點鐘,火車離洛莎爾還有十五英里,就在樹林中的一塊寬闊的空地上停下來了。那兒有幾所帶回廊的平房和工人住的小屋。

Lake taupo , huka falls and the waikato river provide views and hikes galore , if you decide to stay put near your bungalow , you ' re missing the quintessential country vacation 位于莊園附近的陶波湖、胡卡瀑布和懷卡托河擁有迷人的景色,是游人們旅行休閑的圣地。

Automobile makers no longer manufacture cheap models , and developers do not build the tiny bungalows that served the first postwar generation of home buyers 汽車制造者不再生產便宜的模型,并且發展商不在建造那些為一戰后的一代房屋買者建造的小平房。

I ' d rather live in this old house with all its inconveniences than in one of those pokey bungalows where you haven ' t room to swing a cat 盡管有它的諸多不便,我還是寧愿住在這幢老房子里,也不愿住到那種寒酸的平房里,在那里你連轉身的地方都沒有。

As the bags and boxes were packed that summer for our departure , the household was steadily converted into luggage , and our bungalow rang hollow 那個夏天我們將要啟程了,行囊箱籠都在打包,一家人井然有序地收拾著行李,我們居住的平房漸漸空曠了。

I ' d rather live in this old house with all its inconveniences than in one of those pokey bungalows where you haven ' t room to swing a cat 盡管諸多不便,我寧愿住在這幢老房子里,也不愿住到那種狹小的平房里,在那里你連轉身的地方都沒有。

She is the one who can change the future of formosa . real happiness is not found in cars , bungalows or material things ; but rather in inner happiness 她的一切作為,并不求任何回報,也不執著,她正是可以改變福爾摩沙前途的關鍵人物。

Many fellow practitioners meditate in these bungalows and can feel the love and dedication that the disciples show while concentrating on their work 同修們在這些小屋打坐時,都能感受到那些建造的同修所投注的愛心與奉獻的精神。

In the past the construction in my city was mainly old fashioned bungalows . nowadays a mass of people have moved to live in skyscrapers 過去,在我居住城市中的建筑物以老式的平房為主。現在,大多數的人們已經搬進了摩天大樓。

After the return of lady maclehose camp , all future camp confinees will be assigned to the tai mei tuk bungalows , the spokesman said 發言人表示,歸還麥理浩夫人度假村后,將來所有需接受隔離人士會被安排入住大尾篤度假屋。

The sister s house is surrounded by trees halfway up a mountain , with rows of bungalows in front and behind it . outside is a vegetable garden 師姊的家座落在半山腰中,四周山環樹抱,前后皆是一排排小平房,房外是菜園。

The couple , who lived in a bungalow in the st budeaux area of plymouth until last year when they moved into a nursing home 這對夫婦一直住在普利茅斯圣布迪由斯地區的一間平房里,直到去年,他們搬進了一個養老院。

The couple , who lived in a bungalow in the st budeaux area of plymouth until last year when they moved into a nursing 這對夫婦一直住在普利茅斯圣布迪由斯地區的一間平房里,直到去年,他們搬進了一個養老院。

Want to live in a bungalow in the seaside , the sea breeze blow white curtains , in the balcony of the green niao carrots 想住在海邊的小木屋里,海風吹動白紗的窗簾,在陽臺種上綠色的蔦蘿。

The same day , holmes feels no pier pressure from cruise ' s kids connor , 11 , and isabella , 13 , outside their bungalow 她與克魯斯的兩個孩子? ? 11歲的康納和13歲的伊莎貝拉玩得很開心。

North of the pavilion there are several bungalows , called “ mingshixuan ” , a dining and gathering place for scholars 亭北面的這幾間平房,就是“名士軒” ,是歷代文人雅士宴聚之地。

The village has a capacity of 280 campers , providing over 70 well - furnished units in single - storey bungalows 度假村內的營舍全屬獨立式平房設計,提供超過70個單位,可容納280人。