
bump vi.1.碰,撞,沖撞 (against into).2...

“ bump “ means hitting something by accident and with a dull sound . “Bump”的意思是偶然地碰撞某物并發出低沉的聲音。

“the bumps are good,“ she said . “這些隆骨長得不錯,”她說。


In one variant of this process the bumps are etched onto the tape rather than deposited on the wafer . 這種工藝有一種方式是,凸出物被蝕刻在帶上,而不是沉淀在硅片上。

They marched in darkness that was pitch and bumped into each other blindly, but they did not panic . 他們在漆黑的夜色中行進,盲目地你撞我我撞你,可是他們并不驚慌。

There was talk around that he had been used by chicago monsters to bump off the mayor . 人們紛紛傳說他是受了芝加哥暴徒的雇用前來刺殺市長的。

It's when you feel like this that, out of resentment, you begin to bump people back . 當你有這種感覺的時候,為了發泄怨恨,你就會蓄意撞人。

His doctor thought that the bumps were something that would probably clear up in time . 給他看病的醫生認為那些斑塊過一段時間便會消退。

This box of glasses has been bumped about all the way here and quite a few pieces are broken . 這箱玻璃杯一路上磕磕碰碰的,碎了不少。

They bumped him off because he knew too much about their illegal activities . 他們把他謀殺了,因為他對他們的非法活動知道得太多了。

She jumped to her feet, her heart beginning again its sickening thudding and bumping . 她從地上呼地跳了起來,心又怦怦地撞擊起來。

The man had hit him once high up on his head and there was a small bump there . 那人也打中了他一拳。腦門頂上鼓起的小包包還在。

She bumped against the table and sent the crockery crashing to the ground . 她碰到了桌子,把杯子、盤子都撞碎在地上了。

“ bump “ means hitting something by accident and with a dull sound . “Bump”的意思是偶然地碰撞某物并發出低沉的聲音。

She bumped into the furniture and kept mumbling about the guests . 她東倒西歪地撞到家俱上,嘴里不斷對客人咕咕噥噥。

She bumped into the furniture and kept mumbling about the guests . 她撞在家具上,并且不停地咕咕噥噥地議論客人。

Prices were bumped up at news of changes in the income tax laws . 改變所得稅法的消息傳來,各種東西突然漲價了。

He had reached one thousand six hundred when he bumped into someone . 他走到一千六百步的時候和一個人撞個滿懷。

He had a wife and five children and they kept him bumping . 他家里還有老婆和五個孩子,這也使他忙得不可開交。

His heart bumped . 他的心怦怦地亂跳。