
azerbaijan n.阿塞拜疆。

Imagine sitting in a jeep clearly marked “ united nations “ , you are traveling through a country called azerbaijan , located in the caucasus and until 1991 part of the soviet union 想像坐在一輛注明?聯合國?的吉普車里,穿過位于在高加索山脈,一個叫作亞塞拜然的國家, 1991年以前仍是蘇聯的一部分。

“ with poland , it will be completely different because they have a better team [ to azerbaijan ] , with stronger players who are more experienced and play in better championships “波蘭,因為他們是比較好的隊,它與阿塞拜疆完全不同,有更富有經驗和更強的球員所以比賽更難。


Btw - upon arriving in baku , the capital of azerbaijan , i got in touch with the local rotary club and visited them - and i was excited to learn that azerbaijan also has a rotaract club - having founded the rotaract club in my german home town , i immediately brought the clubs who worked together and we already managed to renovate two orphanages in baku 順便一提,到達巴庫(亞塞拜然的首府)時,我與當地扶輪社取得了聯系并拜訪他們我是如此地興奮得知亞塞拜然竟也有一個扶輪青年服務團我曾在我的德國家鄉成立過扶輪青年服務團,我立即帶著該扶輪青年服務團一起共同設法翻新巴庫的二個孤兒院。

I think , it is quite easy for you to imagine how happy and proud i felt - at the same time , there was this little hint of sadness - knowing that the wonderful time i had at the peace center would be over and that many of my friends would go back to their countries , be it azerbaijan , jordan , japan or india 就你們而言,很容易想像我有多開心和驕傲,同時也有一些傷感,因為我知道在和平中心的日子即將結束,而我的許多朋友將要回到他們的國家亞塞拜然、約旦、日本或印度。

Based on his political achievements and future blueprint for the nation , heydar alirza oglu aliyev was re - elected in october 1998 for another five - year term as the president of azerbaijan 摘要阿里耶夫憑著過去五年的政績和對未來的施政目標,在一九九八年十月的總統大選中,再度當選為阿塞拜?國家元首,并也是獨立國家國協所有成員國領袖中年齡最大的一位。

But on june 7th he surprised the americans by proposing azerbaijan as an alternative site ? where the united states and russia could jointly erect a missile shield , serving both european and russian needs 但是,在6月7日,他提議將阿塞拜疆作為一個可能地點? ?在那里,美國和俄羅斯可以共同建立一個反導盾牌,滿足歐洲和俄國的需要? ?這讓美國人倍感驚訝。

The u . s . defense secretary robert gates has told his russian counterpart the u . s . will not replace its planned missile shield in eastern europe with a russian proposal for radar defenses in azerbaijan 美國國防部長蓋茨通知俄羅斯國防部長,美國不會采用俄羅斯所提出的方案,以阿塞拜疆的雷達防御體系取代美國在東歐設置導彈防御系統的計劃。

China , with its sharply rising demand , vigorously competes with japan for siberian oil , and the u . s . , russia and iran are all in a diplomatic tussle to control oil in kazakhstan and azerbaijan 石油需求迅速竄升的中國,正積極與日本爭奪西伯利亞石油;美國、俄羅斯和伊朗也在進行外交角力戰,企圖控制哈薩克和亞塞拜然的原油。

But supplies from neighbouring azerbaijan are helping georgia through the winter , and they may soon , says nika gilauri , georgia ' s energy minister , replace russian imports altogether 阿塞拜疆由于在里海擁有自己的石油和天然氣礦層,所以它也拒絕了俄羅斯提出的天然氣條款,并停止從俄羅斯進口天然氣。

Following on from his second goal for his country a month ago , the chelsea defender now has his third ? the third goal for portugal in a 3 - 0 win over azerbaijan 繼一個月前他在國家隊比賽中攻進兩球后,這名切爾西的中后衛又迎來了個人的第三個進球,在葡萄牙3 : 0戰勝阿塞拜疆的比賽中打入第三個進球。

Imagine sitting in a jeep clearly marked “ united nations “ , you are traveling through a country called azerbaijan , located in the caucasus and until 1991 part of the soviet union 想像坐在一輛注明?聯合國?的吉普車里,穿過位于在高加索山脈,一個叫作亞塞拜然的國家, 1991年以前仍是蘇聯的一部分。

My internship program took me to azerbaijan , where i worked for the united nations development program - and i will tell you a little bit more about my stay there throughout the next minutes 我的實習計畫是到亞塞拜然,為聯合國發展計畫工作接下來的幾分鐘我將會提到一些在那里的事情。

Lita beiris has toured with the latvian opera ballet company in many countries , such like , austria , azerbaijan , byelorussia , costa rica and denmark , etc 她創作的舞蹈作品有威尼斯狂歡節的《回憶》 、 《三姐妹》 、 《迷失幻想》 、 《胡桃夾子》 、 《佩吉的長襪》和《生命之聲》等。

But the growth created by azerbaijan ' s second oil boom ( the first was 100 years ago ) was the highest in the world last year : 34 . 5 % , says the finance minister 但阿塞拜疆財政部長說,由阿國第二次石油增長(第一次是在100年前)帶動的經濟增長是去年全世界的最高值: 34 . 5 % 。

“ with poland , it will be completely different because they have a better team [ to azerbaijan ] , with stronger players who are more experienced and play in better championships “波蘭,因為他們是比較好的隊,它與阿塞拜疆完全不同,有更富有經驗和更強的球員所以比賽更難。

The small country of azerbaijan could play a major role in healing the rift between russian president vladimir putin and president bush 在修補俄羅斯總統基米爾?普京和布什總統之間的裂縫(這個詞你可以翻譯的更好的)中,阿塞拜疆這個小國可能會發揮重要作用

The three countries are each home to two of the world ' s top 10 polluted sites , while the others are in peru , ukraine , zambia and azerbaijan 在全球十大污染最嚴重的地區中,上述三個國家各占兩個,而另外四個地區分別位于秘魯、烏克蘭、贊比亞和阿塞拜疆。

They also face russia - the other side who qualified for euro 2008 ahead of england - as well as finland , azerbaijan and liechtenstein 他們還要面對俄羅斯? ?另一只壓倒英格蘭晉級2008年歐錦賽的球隊? ?同時還有芬蘭,阿塞拜疆和列支敦士登。

Ronaldo scored twice for portugal in saturday ' s 3 - 0 win over azerbaijan and wants to help his side to another triumph over poland on wednesday 周末3 - 0擊敗阿塞拜疆的比賽中羅納爾多梅開二度,他希望幫助自己的球隊周三在波蘭身上再拿3分。