
ayrshire n.1.(蘇格蘭)額爾郡。2.額爾郡乳牛。


Scottish golf links : a photographer s journey captures the exhilirating feeling of scotland - from the rugged coasts and lovely villages to the classic links brimming over with elegance and complexity , to the scottish whiskey that has sustained golfers over 400 years 另外凱爾菲利普斯高爾夫球場設計也針對高級的私人高爾夫俱樂部,例如,荷蘭首都阿姆斯特丹的golf societeit de lage vuursche球場。蘇格蘭西南部ayrshire郡一個新建的傳統林克斯海邊球場dundonaldloch lomond高爾夫俱樂部。

Both her parents , will knightley sharman macdonald , have been involved with acting for many years . sharman macdonald grew up in ayrshire . her father was an engineer and her mother was a secretary 1983年出生的姬拉麗莉有個大她四歲的哥哥caleb ,父親will knightley也是個英國演員,母親sharman macdonald是個演員兼劇作家,也是副導演

1881 sir alexander fleming , scottish bacteriologist and discoverer of penicillin , was born in ayrshire 蘇格蘭細菌學家、青霉素發現者亞歷山大?弗萊明爵士誕生于埃爾郡。