
axes n.1.ax (e) 的復數。2.axis 的復數。


Steel axes and hatchets ; technical specifications 鋼斧和手斧.交貨技術條件

They can substitute ax sery dc welder 是代替ax系列直流電焊機的最佳產品。

It ' ll be like being disemboweled with an ice ax 感覺一定像被冰斧割下腸子

I ' m not going to take an ax and split your head open 我絕對不會拿柄斧子把你腦袋劈開

He come back to the park with an ax 一會兒之后,他跑回公園,手上拿著斧頭。

Talking of axes , said the duchess , chop off her head 公爵夫人說, “把她的頭砍掉! ”

The inverse problem of the linear equations ax 在滿秩次對稱矩陣類中的反問題

The hunter cut off the animal ' s head with one chop of an ax 獵人一斧砍下獵物的頭。

The firemen splintered the locked door with an ax 消防隊員用斧子劈開了鎖著的房門。

Axes play a very important role in xslt 軸axes在xslt中扮演了重要的角色。

Axes of rotation - methods for specifying and testing 旋轉軸的規定和試驗方法

Axes of minimal moment of inertia for particle set in en 中質點組的最小轉動慣量軸

Parameter of height , wheels distance and axes distance 高度輪距及軸距參數:

Restricting the query with query and slicer axes 用查詢軸和切片器軸限定查詢( mdx )

Research of desiccation tolerance in imbibed soybean axes 大豆胚軸的脫水耐性研究

Axes and cutlasses were at work on all sides 四面八方都響起了刀砍斧劈的聲音。

To display the axes areas , click the chart first 若要顯示軸區,請先單擊圖表。

Lift bop stack and replace wellhead connector ax ring 吊起防噴器組并更換連接器

Including : swords , axes , dart there syrup resume 包括:劍斧飛鏢還有藥水恢復。