
awn n.【植物;植物學】芒。adj.-ed 有芒的。adj....

For instance : the plum blossom prize , the golden rooster prize winner rather talent , the golden rooster prize winner bayin , the chart gate , the international prize winner germany strength geer , the country “ five one “ the project prize winner para bead you , the awn comes , hall to look up and so on all is the film and television play center backbone strength 比如:梅花獎、金雞獎獲得者寧才,金雞獎獲得者巴音、圖門,國際獎獲得者德力格爾,國家“五個一”工程獎獲得者巴拉珠爾、芒來、霍爾查等都是影視劇中心的骨干力量。


Changes in chloroplast composition non - leaf organs have fewer and smaller chloroplasts than leaves . glumes and awns are organs directly exposed to light but they contain more grana per chloroplast , bigger granal stacks and more thylakoids per granal stacks and therefore their chloroplasts are more simi 4明顯高于旗葉;若以放氧為標準,比較功能葉和非葉器官的光合活性,發現以葉綠素為單位,非葉器官的放氧速率與旗葉相當,或甚至高于旗葉;以單穗為單位,最高可相當于旗葉的28 。

For instance : the plum blossom prize , the golden rooster prize winner rather talent , the golden rooster prize winner bayin , the chart gate , the international prize winner germany strength geer , the country “ five one “ the project prize winner para bead you , the awn comes , hall to look up and so on all is the film and television play center backbone strength 比如:梅花獎、金雞獎獲得者寧才,金雞獎獲得者巴音、圖門,國際獎獲得者德力格爾,國家“五個一”工程獎獲得者巴拉珠爾、芒來、霍爾查等都是影視劇中心的骨干力量。

In my present study , changes in structure and function of all parts of non - leaf organs ( culms , paleae , lemmas , awns , and glumes ) were investigated during a series of developmental stages and in various cultivars . characterization of the culms of lodging - resistant wheat varieties lodging is a potential cause of yield reduction in cereal crops ( crook et al , 1994 ) 其中,比較分析了非葉器官葉綠體超微結構的差異,測量了非葉器官的放氧和低溫熒光等生理指標,嘗試從結構與功能相結合的角度,探討非葉器官在提高作物產量中所起的重要作用。

Aw bed aimed tuh dee , wheare aw d sarved fur sixty year ; un aw thowt aw d lug my books up intuh t garret , un all my bits uh stuff , un they sud hev t kitchen tuh theirseln ; fur t sake uh quietness . it wur hard tuh gie up my awn hearthstun , bud aw thowt aw could do that ! bud , nah , shoo s taan my garden frough me , un by th heart , maister , aw cannot stand it “給我工錢,我非走不可我本打算就死在我侍候了六十年的地方我心想我已經把我的書和我所有的零碎搬到閣樓上去,把廚房讓給他們就為的是圖個安靜,撂下我自己的爐邊本來很難,可我想我也辦得到,可是,她把我的花園也給拿去啦,憑良心呀!

The contributions of non - leaf organs to photosynthesis next , studies on photosynthetic pigment , the rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution and 77k fluorescence emission spectrum of awns and lemmas in rice and wheat were carried out 隨著小麥芒的衰老過程,其中葉綠體的數量也隨之減少,并且這種減少的趨勢在旗葉中先發生。

The quality of high oil corn was compared with the corn , the attrition value and extraction method of the awn oil , the thorough process ways and the feeding value of the high oil corn was also introduced 對高油玉米與普通玉米的品質進行了對比,高油玉米籽粒不僅含油量高,而且蛋白質、必需氨基酸含量均高于普通玉米。

After more than 30 years protection , the islet is the cover taiwan acacia , the beefwood , the black pine and the mountain cuckoo , the myrtle , the tree fern , the awn winnow basket , just like virgin forest 經過30多年的保護,如今滿島皆是茂密的相思樹、木麻黃、黑松和山杜鵑、桃金娘、樹蕨、芒箕,猶如原始森林。

An adaptive wavelet network classifier for vibration fault diagnosis of steam turbine - generation is proposed based on theory of adap tive wavelet network ( awn ) 基于自適應小波網絡理論,構造了一個應用于汽輪發電機組振動故障診斷與識別的自適應小波網絡分類器。

And then some important related elements which affect the classified perfo rmance of awn are analyzed , conclusions which are of great importance in real ap plication are obtained 同時對該網絡的分類性能進行了分析,得出了一些具有實際價值的結論。

We supply the products as follows : straw weaving , bamboo weaving , and awn weaving and metal products 我們能提供如下產品:草編織品,竹編織品,芒編織品和金屬制品。

We offer the products such as straw weaving , bamboo weaving , and awn weaving and metal products 我們能提供諸如草編織品,竹編織品,芒編織品和金屬制品等的產品。

Our products include straw weaving , bamboo weaving , and awn weaving and metal products 我們的產品包括草編織品,竹編織品,芒編織品和金屬制品。

Aw s gang up tuh my awn rahm 我要到我自己屋里去。

Grain in ear : awn - crops are mature and able to be harvested 芒種:有芒作物已經成熟,可以收割。

2 . leaf : oval shape , with caducous awns at the tip 2 .葉:橢圓形,先端具一早落性之芒尖。

Cases with chronic prostatitis treated with awn needle 芒針治療慢性前列腺炎68例68