
awkward adj.1.(機器等)有毛病的,難使用的,不稱手的,(衣...

awkward age

It is rather awkward for geoffery, of course. it does not do to pepper beaters . 杰奧夫雷手腳不太麻利,朝獵手亂開槍當然是不行的。

The consequences for developing countries would range from awkward to grim . 對發展國家將產生的后果是從問題棘手發展為問題嚴重。

After an awkward pause, they returned to the rest of the family and sat . 她們倆別別扭扭地在一起待了一會兒,便和家人一塊坐下。

He spoke it in a kind of jest, but it was with such an awkward smile . 他用一種說笑的口吻說著,但是說時帶著那么不自然的微笑。

The main problem posed by the book, however, is its extremely awkward style . 不過這本書的主要問題在于它的文體非常佶屈聱牙。

He was an awkward child , always falling over himself and breaking things . 他是個笨拙的孩子,經常笨手笨腳地把東西摔破。

Ahem! what's your name? it's so awkward to be calling you young woman . 這個!…你叫什么名字?老稱你姑娘多么不好意思。

If you had prepared in advance , you would n't be in such an awkward position . 如果你事先作好準備,也不至于那么被動。

In this country the consequences of killing a fellow-creature are awkward . 在我們這個國家,殺人的后果是令人尷尬的。

I realized they wanted to be alone together so i felt very awkward . 我意識到了他們想要單獨在一起,所以覺得很尷尬。

Everybody spoke enthusiastically at the meeting. there were no awkward silences . 會上,大家發言很熱烈,沒有冷場。

The minister easily fielded all the journalist 's awkward questions . 部長輕而易舉地一一回答了記者提出的棘手問題。

She felt awkward when she went into the dining room to dinner . 可是她走進飯廳里吃午飯的時候,她還是覺得相當窘。

If he had n't shot his mouth off , things would n't have been so awkward . 要不是他多嘴,事情也不至于搞僵。

As he watched them the men became nervous and awkward . 在他的監視下,這些人神經緊張,都變得笨手笨腳。

For all the forced badinage, it was an awkward meal . 大家盡管勉強地說說笑笑,這頓飯依舊吃得很別扭。

I was the only man among the guests and felt rather awkward . 我是客人中唯一的男人,感到有些不得勁。

A meeting, however, is unavoidable and proves awkward . 然而,碰頭總是不可避免的,結果彼此都很尷尬。

He was surprised that she seemed so little awkward . 他看見她似乎一點也沒有尷尬的樣子、感到驚訝。