
awful adj.1.可怕的。2.威風懔懔的,嚴肅的。3.〔口語〕...

“i've got an awful headache,“ he answered . “我頭疼的要命,”他回答說。


Choate's death is awful . 喬特死得真慘。

That was an awful slur, but it wasn't really surprising . 這是無恥的誹謗,但是實際上也不足為奇。

The cold was simply awful . 冷得真厲害。

I believe he seriously thinks me an awful philistine . 我相信,他真的認為我是個不可救藥的庸人。

He had an awful colic . 他有嚴重的腹絞痛。

At the beginning of liberation , the factory was an awful mess . 解放初,這個工廠是個爛攤子。

What flipping awful weather ! 多討厭的天氣!

This week has been awful . 這個星期太糟糕了。

Heaven forbid that anything awful should have happened to her . 但愿她不會出什么可怕的事。

It was an awful sight of money when it was piled up . 那么多錢堆在一起,看上去實在是嚇人。

Who was that awful girl ? 那個搗亂的姑娘是誰?

I 'm awful glad you came . 你來了,我非常高興。

I declare i do not know a more awful object than darcy . 我敢說達西是個再討厭不過的家伙。

Willie learned that awful spanish in the philippines . 威利這口破西班牙話是在菲律賓學的。

She is an awful old bag . 她是個愛挑剔的老太婆。

I've just had an awful thought . 我忽然又害怕了。

My skiing was bloody awful . 我滑雪滑得一塌糊涂。

It was an awful blow to the venerable earl . 這件事對德高望重的伯爵是一個沉重的打擊。