
awash adj.,adv.1.(暗礁等)與水面齊平;被水覆蓋著。...

“ a little bit of circus ropework , sly humour , a dash of song n dance , and a magical final surprise which sees john paul zaccarini rise above a world awash with emotional conflicts , identity issues , unresolved longings 《舞臺報》 “一點點繩上雜技,一點機敏的幽默,一點歌舞表演,還有一個神奇的最后的驚喜,在結尾你看到johnpaulzaccarini從一個充滿了情緒矛盾、身份問題、不解的渴望的世界中冉冉升起。

“ our current credit problems are the flip side of our balance of payments problem , “ he told the financial times . “ the world has been awash with liquidity and money has been pouring in from abroad , so lots of money had to get invested fast “我們當前的信貸問題是國際收支問題的另一個方面, “他向英國《金融時報》表示: “這個世界一直充斥著流動性,資金不斷從國外涌入,大量資金不得不迅速投資到位。


One interesting phenomenon observed during the course of the large ipo activities in hong kong is that , with global financial markets awash with liquidity , whenever there is new supply of quality financial instruments in a market of international standing , attracting international investment funds is not a problem 我們從香港的大型首次公開招股活動中留意到一個值得關注的現象:在全球金融市場流動資金充裕的情況下,每當某個國際級市場推出優質金融工具時,總不難吸引到國際投資資金。

Onasa news agency quoted witnesses as saying the youths tossed the hand grenade to each other before it exploded in the hands of one of them . bosnia is awash with illegal weapons left over from the 1992 - 95 war and tragic incidents are frequent despite several successful campaigns by international peacekeepers and police to get people to hand over illegal weapons 報道說,在經歷了1992年到1995年間的戰爭后,波黑地區有大量武器非法流散于民間,盡管國際維和部隊以及當地警方先后進行了幾次成功的武器回收行動,使當地居民交出了大量非法持有的武器,但此類悲劇事件仍然頻繁發生。

Several years ago , chinese streets were filled with people wearing identical drab clothing . today , however , things are quite different and the streets are awash with people wearing fashionable bright colored outfits . why has the change taken place 許多年前,中國大街上的人都穿一樣的灰褐色衣服。然而,今天的情況大不一樣了,街上滿是一個個身穿色彩艷麗的時髦衣服的人。出現這種變化的原因是什么呢?

“ a little bit of circus ropework , sly humour , a dash of song n dance , and a magical final surprise which sees john paul zaccarini rise above a world awash with emotional conflicts , identity issues , unresolved longings 《舞臺報》 “一點點繩上雜技,一點機敏的幽默,一點歌舞表演,還有一個神奇的最后的驚喜,在結尾你看到johnpaulzaccarini從一個充滿了情緒矛盾、身份問題、不解的渴望的世界中冉冉升起。

“ our current credit problems are the flip side of our balance of payments problem , “ he told the financial times . “ the world has been awash with liquidity and money has been pouring in from abroad , so lots of money had to get invested fast “我們當前的信貸問題是國際收支問題的另一個方面, “他向英國《金融時報》表示: “這個世界一直充斥著流動性,資金不斷從國外涌入,大量資金不得不迅速投資到位。

A puff of wind was heeling the boat over till the deck was awash , and he , one hand on tiller and the other on main - sheet , was luffing slightly , at the same time peering ahead to make out the near - lying north shore 一陣風吹來,船體傾斜了,水花濺上了甲板。馬丁一手掌舵一手操縱主帆,讓船輕輕地貼風行駛,同時眺望著前方,要找出不遠處的北岸,沒有意識到露絲在看他。

In greece , a european union member that is now awash with migrant labour , albanians or bulgarians often send money home by putting crumpled banknotes in the hands of a trusted compatriot , who takes a cut 在希臘(歐盟的成員國之一)這個充斥著移民工人的國度,阿爾巴尼亞人或保加利亞人經常要把皺巴巴的鈔票交給一個可以信任的卻要收取一定報酬的同鄉,這樣匯錢回家。

This fear actually stems from a misunderstanding of insects . in this day and age when we are awash with information , it is astounding that we know so little about insects , the most diverse group of small animals on earth 本書嘗試以簡單的描述和生活化的例子,再配合栩栩如生的繪圖,帶大家從另一個有趣的角度去認識這群遍布市區和郊野的小鄰居。

When mourinho paid ? 30 . 8 million for a player many regarded as the finest finisher in the game , he must have thought he had found the last piece in his jigsaw and that chelsea , awash with goals , would have the title won by christmas 穆里尼奧大概覺得自己找到了長鋸上的最后一個齒,切爾西在圣誕之前就能因為如潮水般的進球獲得頭銜。

Such a move would have a sound business logic , says a banker : chinese banks are awash with liquidity ; western banks , thanks to the credit crunch , are short of it 直譯:表面上,這種并購舉措有一個正確的商業邏輯,一個銀行家說:中國的銀行充斥著流動資金;而西方銀行卻因為信貸緊縮在這方面表現欠佳。

The impact of the survey is limited , as it was conducted in the eye of the storm , at the height of uncertainty , polling a public awash in sympathy for sharon , who is fighting for his life 這項調查的影響力是有限的,因為它是在局勢還不明朗,人們普遍為沙龍與生命做斗爭懷有同情的情況下作出的。

Thus , korea will experience ravaging quakes from the compression the pacific will be going under , and awash with water that may be higher inland than imaginable 此外,緣于太平洋被壓縮而下沉,韓國會經歷到破壞性的地震,還會遭到無法想象的比內陸地區海拔還高的海水的沖襲。

But gaza is already awash with arms smuggled in through tunnels under the egypt - gaza border ; any meant for fatah could easily end up in hamas ' s hands 但在埃及?加沙邊界下地道的掩護下,武器走私早已在加沙泛濫成災,任何提供給法塔赫的武器裝備,都能輕易落入哈馬斯囊中。

02 after sting hannover was awash with red and white today , and the swiss fans had much to discuss , not least their side ' s victory over togo 今天的漢諾威變成了紅色和白色的海洋,瑞士的球迷有許多要去討論,不僅僅是他們的國家隊對多哥取得的勝利。

With global financial markets awash with liquidity , many of them have ready access to private capital , and have less of a need to turn to the bank for lending 由于全球金融市場資金充裕,不少亞銀成員較容易籌集資金,因而向亞銀借款的需求減少。

Today , however , things are quite different and the streets are awash with people wearing fashionable bright colored outfits 然而,今天的情況大不一樣了,街上滿是一個個身穿色彩艷麗的時髦衣服的人。

Today , howeer , things are quite different and the streets are awash with people wearing fashionable bright colored outfits 然而,今天的情況大不一樣了,街上滿是一個個身穿色彩艷麗的時髦衣服的人。