
avidity n.1.貪婪;饑渴;熱望。2.【化學】親合力,活動性。短...

Not only did the story take with the fiction - readers , but those who read “ the shame of the sun “ with avidity were likewise attracted to the sea - story by the cosmic grasp of mastery with which he had handled it 那小說不但贏得了小說讀者的青睞,而且以其處理海洋情節的宏大氣魄和精湛技藝吸引了津津有味地讀過太陽的恥辱的人們。


As part of her job , my mother bought stacks of housekeeping magazines ? house beautiful , house and garden , better homes and gardens ? and i read these with a curious avidity , partly because they were always lying around and in our house all idle moments were spent reading something , and partly because they depicted lives so absorbingly at variance with our own 作為工作的一部分,母親會買下一疊疊的家政雜志? ? 《美麗住宅》 、 《家園》 、 《美好家園》 ? ?而我會帶著一顆好奇的熱切心來閱讀它們,部分是因為雜志總是擺滿了四處,并且在我們家里所有的空閑時分都被花在了讀書上,還因為雜志如此有趣地描繪出了別人生活與我家的諸多不同。

At twelve o clock the mourning - coaches rolled into the paved court , and the rue du faubourg saint - honor was filled with a crowd of idlers , equally pleased to witness the festivities or the mourning of the rich , and who rush with the same avidity to a funeral procession as to the marriage of a duchess 到十二點鐘,喪車駛進鋪著石板的院子圣奧諾路上擠滿了游手好閑的人,這些人對節日有錢人家的喪事就如同節日一樣感興趣,他們象去看一次大出喪同看一位公爵小姐的婚禮一樣熱烈。

The man has a meal and doesn ' t need a person to accompany before have no woman ; after man have woman , even the woman is not hungry , the man also hopes the woman sit just across the street see an oneself be like a kid similar to eat with avidity , the man feels this is a kind of happiness 男人在沒有女人之前,吃飯不需要人陪;男人有了女人之后,即使女人不餓,男人也希望女人坐在對面看者自己像小孩一樣狼吞虎咽地吃,男人覺得這是一種幸福。

Anti - keratin auto antibody ( ak auto ab ) is accepted generally as a significant component of natural auto antibody ( naa ) which is found in human as well as vertebrate , and is of characteristic of polyreactivity , low avidity , extensive connectivity and shorting of specificity to the species 天然自身抗體( naa )廣泛存在于人和脊椎動物體內,具有多反應性、親和力低、締和性廣及種屬特異性差的特點。

Not only did the story take with the fiction - readers , but those who read “ the shame of the sun “ with avidity were likewise attracted to the sea - story by the cosmic grasp of mastery with which he had handled it 那小說不但贏得了小說讀者的青睞,而且以其處理海洋情節的宏大氣魄和精湛技藝吸引了津津有味地讀過太陽的恥辱的人們。

Madame de villefort listened with avidity to these appalling maxims and horrible paradoxes , delivered by the count with that ironical simplicity which was peculiar to him 這一番話,伯爵是以他那特有的諷刺而又很真率的口吻講出來的,維爾福夫人貪婪地傾聽著這些令人膽寒的格言和可怕的怪論。

She longed to be renowned like others , and read with avidity all the complimentary or critical comments made concerning others high in her profession 她渴望自己也像別人一樣有名,并且貪婪地閱讀一切有關她這一行里那些名角兒的褒貶評論。

On the other hand , migm - cd21 cross - linking will contribute to response of b lymphocyte with low avidity to t dependent or t independent antigens 因而對影響人b細胞產生naa的因素的研究,對于了解體內naa的免疫調節網絡有重要意義。

A little more , st . john - look at the avidity in her eyes “再讓她吃一點點吧,圣.約翰瞧她眼睛里的貪婪相。 ”