
aviate vi.飛行,駕駛飛機;航空。

By using this method , we could make the extended testin and controling system to satisfy the real - time requriement of application . this article is based on the research of “ the helicopter ' s aviating load - data harmonized loading and sampling technology “ . we studied the question of real - time in the helicopter ' s aviating load - data sampling system , and finally realized the real - time extension of the system which based on windows2000 to improve the real - time performance of the system 本文結合中航二集團“十五”預研課題( 41801100101 ) ? “直升機飛行載荷數字化協調加載及數據采集技術研究” ,對數據采集系統中的實時性問題和實時擴展技術展開深入研究,最終實現了基于windows2000測控系統的實時擴展,并將其應用于實際的采集系統研制和開發中。

Six foundation works : first , projects to prevent flood , avoiding huai river overflow again ; second , projects of comprehensive traffic , perfecting the highway , railway , waterway and aviating traffic network ; third , ecological environmental protection project to improve peoples living conditions and strengthen environmental ecological construction progressively ; fourth , construction of “ digital fuyang “ , realizing datamation of product design , automation of production process , and electronization of commercial market ; fifth , sincere project of fuyang , advancing all kinds of sincere institutional improvement of same trade , forming morals based on sincerity , and personal integrity ; sixth , talents market project , developing human resources diversely 六項基礎工程:一是防洪保安工程,切實根除淮河心腹之患;二是綜合交通工程,完善公、鐵、水、空綜合交通網絡;三是生態環保工程,改善人居生活條件,加強環境生態建設;四是數字阜陽工程, .逐步實現產品設計數據化、生產過程自動化、營銷商務電子化;五是誠信阜陽工程,推進各類同業誠信制度建設,形成誠信為本、操守為重的社會風尚;六是人才強市工程,多方位開發人力資源。


Emphatically , this paper discusses the pattern of signal and antenna radiation of the system , the design principles and technologies of audio - generator and monitor , and the modification of measurement deviation . through special tests and aviate experiments , it has been proved that the performance of the domesticalized system is better than of the initial system 文中重點分析了俄制分米波儀表著陸系統的信號格式和天線輻射場型,著重闡述了系統中音頻信號產生器和監測器的設計原理和實現技術,對信號檢測中的測量誤差進行了分析并設計了有效的修正方法。

The main content of this article are the theories of fuzzy control system and data acquisition system for micro aerial vehicle . we can let a aeroplane model aviate with some sensors and one microcontroller , at the same time , the remote control is used . . when the model make a landing , we could get some useful data from the model 在信號采集系統的基礎上,對微型飛行器模糊控制系統的具體實現進行了探討,并分析了單片機與pc機串行通信的方法,進一步強調信號采集系統與模糊控制系統之間綜合設計的合理性和必要性。

By using this method , we could make the extended testin and controling system to satisfy the real - time requriement of application . this article is based on the research of “ the helicopter ' s aviating load - data harmonized loading and sampling technology “ . we studied the question of real - time in the helicopter ' s aviating load - data sampling system , and finally realized the real - time extension of the system which based on windows2000 to improve the real - time performance of the system 本文結合中航二集團“十五”預研課題( 41801100101 ) ? “直升機飛行載荷數字化協調加載及數據采集技術研究” ,對數據采集系統中的實時性問題和實時擴展技術展開深入研究,最終實現了基于windows2000測控系統的實時擴展,并將其應用于實際的采集系統研制和開發中。

Six foundation works : first , projects to prevent flood , avoiding huai river overflow again ; second , projects of comprehensive traffic , perfecting the highway , railway , waterway and aviating traffic network ; third , ecological environmental protection project to improve peoples living conditions and strengthen environmental ecological construction progressively ; fourth , construction of “ digital fuyang “ , realizing datamation of product design , automation of production process , and electronization of commercial market ; fifth , sincere project of fuyang , advancing all kinds of sincere institutional improvement of same trade , forming morals based on sincerity , and personal integrity ; sixth , talents market project , developing human resources diversely 六項基礎工程:一是防洪保安工程,切實根除淮河心腹之患;二是綜合交通工程,完善公、鐵、水、空綜合交通網絡;三是生態環保工程,改善人居生活條件,加強環境生態建設;四是數字阜陽工程, .逐步實現產品設計數據化、生產過程自動化、營銷商務電子化;五是誠信阜陽工程,推進各類同業誠信制度建設,形成誠信為本、操守為重的社會風尚;六是人才強市工程,多方位開發人力資源。