
automatize vt.1.使自動化。2.使用自動化技術于…。n.-tiz...

Along with the development of the practice , people realize : this kind of information system only automatized the enterprises “ current processes , accelerating all the processes both adequate and inadequate 然而隨著實踐的深入,人們發現:這種信息系統只是自動化了企業的現存流程,加速著一切合理及不合理的過程。

People then threw themselves into business process reengineering ( bpr ) which was charactered with “ rationalize first , automatize second “ 人們轉而投身于“先合理化,再自動化”的bpr運動中。


Faced with the world ' s military developments and the characteristics of modern warfare , the chinese armed forces will , in the course of modernizing their weaponry , devote themselves to transforming semi - mechanized and mechanized weapon systems to automatized and informationized systems as soon as possible , so that they can possess weapons as advanced as possible and assure the accomplishment of the sacred missions assigned to them by the nation 為適應世界軍事的發展和現代戰爭的特點,中國軍隊武器裝備現代化建設將致力于盡快實現軍隊武器裝備由半機械化、機械化向自動化、信息化的轉變,使軍隊掌握盡可能先進的武器裝備,確保完成國家賦予軍隊的神圣使命。

Technique of transmitting data via power line ( pl ) , a new technique developed in recent years , is used to automatize the free collecting system in public service and the management of uptown service 。 this article discussed the advantage , disadvantage and the current state of the power line carrier communication 。 the advantage , method and current state of using spread spectrum technique in power line communication are discussed 。 then the characteristic of low voltage power network was also compendious analyzed 。 in this paper , after introducing the principle of ssc , design of hardware and software of the system are been discussed 。 this system has been put into use , the result has proved its high stability and reliability 本文研究旨在提供一種利用低壓電力供電網絡、低成本、高可靠地實現公共事業收費自動化和小區物業管理智能化的技術應用。討論了電力線載波通信的優、缺點及現狀,擴頻技術在電力線載波通信應用的優點、方式和現狀,并對低壓電力線網絡的特性進行了簡單的分析。在闡述了擴頻通信的基本原理的基礎上,本文詳細地介紹了電力載波遠程抄表系統的具體實現,包括硬件模塊和管理軟件本系統已投入運行,具有較高的穩定性和可靠性。

Meanwhile , a new general examination model is created and a full set of core examination rules are designed to meet different examination needs and make the heavy examination work more automatized , standard , universalized , just and improve efficiency greatly and bring management great convenience , too . the structure of this system bases on browser / server 同時通過構建通用考試管理系統模型,設計考試管理業務邏輯規則及其流程工作模式,滿足不同考試報考及其考試業務管理,使繁瑣的考試管理自動化、規范化、通用化、公正化,極大提高考試管理效率,給管理帶來極大方便。

Wnle we analyzed different levels of simcture of enterprise informatization , we found essential factors of informatization . it includes four levels in the whole course of informatization , name1yf l . the basic 1evel of informatization strategy database and network construction ( this level is the foundation of enterprise informatization ) 2 . the digital level of systems and equipments 3 . the automatized level of management ( these two levels are the kernel of enterprise informatization ) 通過對企業信息化建設層面結構分析得出了信息化建設的實質要素,即企業信息化的全過程,包括四大層面:一是企業信息化戰略規劃、數據庫及網絡建設的基礎性層面,二是系統與設備的數字化層面,三是管理自動化層面,四是企業運營的網絡化層面。

This software , which scientize , standardize and automatize information management , can meet the needs of departments and many agricultural mechanism manufacturers and operators , enhance contact between agricultural mechanism management departments and correlative departments , and improve agricultural modernization management on the whole 該軟件系統能夠滿足有關部門和廣大農機生產經營服務者對農機化信息的需要,從而加強了農機管理部門及其相關部門的縱向和橫向聯系,從整體上為提高我國農業機械化管理水平服務。

Today , the development of science and technology request the updating cycle of machine products increasingly short . combi ning optimization design with cad and automatizing completely the process of design have become a important development trend in design method field 在科學技術發展要求機械產品更新周期日益縮短的今天,把優化設計方法與計算機輔助設計結合起來,使設計過程完全自動化,已成為設計方法的一個重要發展趨勢。

Igts is by means of normalized designing of torpedo ' s main model , standardized and visualized designing of interface , and backing of database technology . the integrated and automatized function of modeling , simulation and statistic comes true in igts 該軟件通過魚雷武器系統主要模型的規范化設計,人機界面的標準化、可視化設計,實現了魚雷武器系統的仿真建模、仿真實驗和仿真結果統計的一體化和自動化。

The management of work flow is a technology which has been widely used in the field and has been developed rapidly . the main features of it are to automatize the process and to cooperate the people with all kinds of applied tools in order to complete the business activity 工作流管理是一個被業界廣泛應用并迅速發展的技術,它的主要特點是使處理過程自動化,使人和各種應用工具協同完成業務活動。

More and more fluorescent signal can be collected with the pcr reaction carry on . the method is more automatized and much less time consumption ( only 3 hours from nucleotide hybridization capture to result found ) 這樣利用熒光信號積累可以實時監測整個pcr進程,實現了pcr擴增和核酸雜交以及熒光電信號放大檢測同步進行的自動化檢測技術;實時熒光pcr技術具有更大的優越性: l )不需要pcr后處理,

Because of the complicated manufacture technique of pcb , for example , a great deal of use of ultro - microcomponent and ultro - slimwire , the quality inspection of pcb becomes very difficult and hardly automatized 隨著生產技術的提高, pcb制作工藝日趨復雜,大量超微器件和超細走線的采用,使pcb的質量檢驗成為一件非常困難的工作,難以實現自動化。

The if detection software is developed under the platform of lab windows / cvi , which is a ni product , because the powerful ability of lab windows / cvi , it is widely used in the domain of automatized measure and control Labwindows / cvi是當今自動測控領域內廣泛應用的一個軟件開發工具,本文對labwindows / cvi也做了簡介。

Along with the development of the practice , people realize : this kind of information system only automatized the enterprises “ current processes , accelerating all the processes both adequate and inadequate 然而隨著實踐的深入,人們發現:這種信息系統只是自動化了企業的現存流程,加速著一切合理及不合理的過程。

The machine is used to realize the airflow conveying of granulated resin by means of the technology of low vacuum . it can be used with a hopper dryer to automatize dry material - supplying 本機采用低真空原理實現塑料樹脂粒子的氣流輸送,可與料斗式干燥機配套,實現干燥供料自動化。

People then threw themselves into business process reengineering ( bpr ) which was charactered with “ rationalize first , automatize second “ 人們轉而投身于“先合理化,再自動化”的bpr運動中。

Energetic materials for defense . physical - chemical analysis and properties . tnt solidifcation temperature . automatized method 國防用高能材料.物理-化學分析及特性. tnt固化溫度.自動化方法

Its virtue is the high precision , good repetition , making measurement automatized 它的優點是測量精度高,重復性好,使測量實現了自動化。