
autoimmune adj.自體免疫的。


Rheumatoid arthritis is an unknown etiology autoimmune diseases , multiple middle - aged women , the cause of the disease complicated machine , no cure for the problems 摘要類風濕關節炎是一種病因不明的自身免疫性疾病,多發于中年女性,由于病因病機復雜,尚無根治之法。

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in sjgrens syndrome sjgrens syndrome is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by histological and functional alterations of exocrine 修格連癥候群是一種慢性自體免疫疾病,其特徵為外分泌腺體之功能及組織學變化,引起淚腺和

The end result of inflammation can be scarring . here , the alveolar walls are thickened and filled with pink collagen following an autoimmune disease lasting for decades 炎癥的結局是形成瘢痕。圖示:幾十年的自身免疫性疾病使得肺泡壁增厚、粉紅色膠原纖維增生。

Doctors have long wondered why , in some people , the immune system turns against parts of the body it is designed to protect , leading to autoimmune disease 很久以來醫生們都很疑惑,為什么人體內有些應該受免疫系統保護的區域反而受其攻擊,從而導致自身免疫疾病。

Suppression of the immune response , as by drugs or radiation , in order to prevent the rejection of grafts or transplants or control autoimmune diseases 免疫抑制通過藥物或放射治療實現的對免疫反應的抑制,目的在于阻止對移植物或移植的排斥或者來控制自身免疫病

Liblaa rs , singer sm , mcdevitt ho . th 1 and th2 cd4 + t cells in the pathogenesis of organ specific autoimmune diseases [ j ] . immunol today , 1995 , 16 : 3439 王振和,馬寶驪,趙曉娟,等空腸彎曲菌與可提取核抗原的分子交叉反應[ j ] .上海免疫學雜志, 1995 , 15 : 1

Vasculitis with autoimmune disease can occur in many different organs and can lead to the often confusing signs and symptoms of patients with rheumatic diseases 自身免疫疾病患者,可在許多不同的器官發生脈管炎,且容易與風濕病的癥狀和體征相混淆

This is an example of an immunofluorescence test positive for anti - microsomal antibody , one of the autoantibodies that can be seen with autoimmune diseases of the thyroid 抗微粒體抗體免疫熒光法陽性的病例,為甲狀腺自身免疫疾病中自身抗體之一。

A 65 - year - old woman with primary hypercholesterolaemia developed hepatitis with characteristics of autoimmune hepatitis while receiving atorvastatin 1例65歲婦女因原發性高膽固醇血癥接受阿伐他汀治療,而并發以自身免疫性肝炎為特征的肝損害。

The hope was that the antibody could help suppress autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and might prompt t cells to attack leukemia 科學家希望這些抗體能夠抑制自體免疫疾病,像是類風濕性關節炎,或許還可促使t細胞攻擊白血病。

With these laboratory findings , the case was diagnosed as autoimmune hepatitis and autoimmune hemolytic anemia induced by hepatitis a infection 根據化驗結果,該病倒被診斷為甲型肝炎感染引起的自身免疫性肝炎和自身免疫性溶血性貧血。

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease , in which antibodies develop against components of joint tissues to cause pain and joint problems 類風濕關節炎是自我免疫系統出現毛病,導致抗體攻擊自己的關節組織而引致各種痛楚及問題。

Drugs approved to treat it also often work against skin conditions such as psoriasis , ulcerative colitis and similar autoimmune conditions 被認可的治療藥物同樣對下列疾病有效:皮膚病如牛皮癬,潰瘍性結腸炎,相似的自身免疫病。

Infusions of blood - forming , or hematopoietic , cloned stem cells might “ reboot ” the immune systems of people with autoimmune diseases 注入可以制造血球細胞的復制干細胞,或許可以重新啟動自體免疫疾病患者的免疫系統。

People suffering from autoimmune diseases tend to have unusual antibodies circulating in their blood that target their own body tissues 此病患者的體內通常有不尋常的抗體,在血液中循環以其自身的組織作為攻擊的目標。

Here is a more subtle malar rash . such a rash is more typical for lupus than other autoimmune diseasease , but is not entirely specific for it 圖示典型頰疹,狼瘡比其它自身免疫性疾病的頰疹更為典型,但不是最特異的。

There was no clinical , radiological or laboratory evidence of autoimmune liver disease , sarcoidosis , lymphoma or tuberculosis 沒有任何臨床表現、影像學或實驗室的證據表明存在自身免疫性肝病、結節病、淋巴瘤或結核。

This is an autoimmune disease and often antithyroglobulin and antimicrosomal ( thyroid peroxidase ) antibodies can be detected 此為自身免疫疾病,通常抗甲狀腺球蛋白和微粒體抗體(甲狀腺過氧化物酶抗體)能夠被檢測。

Here we present a case with autoimmune hepatitis type i and autoimmune hemolytic anemia following hepatitis a virus ( hav ) infection 這里,我們報告1例甲型肝炎患者并發自身免疫性肝炎1型和自身免疫性溶血性貧血。