
autogenesis n.【生物學】自然發生。


Seven plots selected from wanglang reserve were distributed in different types of forest and at different altitude , and different plot has different microclimate . soil property , microbial population , soil nutrient content of forest soil were determined in wanglang natural reserve , from may to october 2002 to july 2003 , the ecological distribution of three main groups , bacteria , actinomycete and fungi were determined in the forest soils by the cell enumeration methods . six kinds of physiological groups , including ammoniation bacteria , nitrification bacteria , nitrosification bacteria , aerobic autogenesis azotobacter , aerobic cellulose - decomposing bacteria and anaerobic cellulose - decomposing bacteria were enumerated by the most - probable number ( mpn ) 2001年10月在王朗自然保護區內設立了3個定位研究樣地和4個臨時樣地,通過多次現場采樣與室內實驗分析,測定了白樺林、岷江冷杉林、紫果云杉林、繡線菊-羊茅群落、羊茅群落及高山柳灌木叢等6種不同植物群落內土壤微生物三大類群數量、功能微生物數量、土壤養分,并在固定樣地內使用埋袋法進行了三個埋藏深度的凋落物分解袋試驗,初步研究了枝條、闊葉、針葉等凋落物組分在不同分解階段所含養分的動態變化。