
authority n.1.權威,威信;權力,權柄;權限,職權,權能。2.工...


He had no authority to intervene except by persuasion . 他沒有權力來干涉,只能出之以勸誘。

Self-confident and taciturn he exuded authority . 他很自信,沉默寡言,顯得是一個實權人物。

There was no longer any german authority on any level . 不論在哪一級,都不存在德國的政權。

Was this clash the symptom of disintegrating authority ? 這次沖突是否是權威瓦解的征兆呢?

A platform confers authority . 臺上象征著權威。

She has looked on as the leading authority on the subject . 她被認為是該問題的主要權威。

He resented bitterly the authority of the petty officers . 他討厭那些趾高氣昂的小軍官。

The voters delegate their authority to these officials . 選民把他們的權力授與這些官員。

Get hold of the authorities . 和有關當局聯系一下。

The major defect of their work was deference to authority . 他們的主要缺陷是趨從權威。

Authority is in the town . 真正的當權者是這個城鎮。

She is an authority on phonetics . 她是語音學權威。

He spat again, this time with less authority . 他又啐了口吐沫,這回卻沒有那么神氣了。

He fancies himself an authority . 他自以為是個權威。

It would be better if the school authorities should see to it . 似應由學校領導處理。

You must have a civil authority you can trust . 你們需要有一個你們能信任的行政當局。

The symptoms of weakening authority were everywhere . 權威正在衰弱的征兆滿目皆是。

The eyes look out with directness and authority . 兩只眼睛流露出直率而威嚴的神情。

I am no stickler for authority . 我決非拘泥于權威的人。