
austin n.奧斯汀〔姓氏〕。


Jane austin ' s pride and prejudice 簡奧斯汀的傲慢與偏見

Susan kruse , a former employee , being treated at austin medical center 她在奧斯汀醫療中心接受了治療。

Gate lodge of the former mountain lodge mount austin road , the peak 舊總督山頂別墅守衛室(山頂柯士甸道)

So , what ' d you get ? - i talked to the austin prosecutor 嗯,你有什么發現嗎?我和起訴人austin談過了。

Stevie and i hlooked up in austin 史帝威和我在奧斯丁認識的

Well , for one , austin is my student 一方面,奧斯丁是我的學生

I can ' t tell you what it means to me that austin ' s so happy in school 奧斯丁在學校開心對我很重要

Kowloon park sports centre 22 austin road , tsim sha tsui , kowloon 九公園體育館尖沙咀柯士甸道22號

- so , what ' d you get ? - i talked to the austin prosecutor -有什么發現? -我和奧斯汀的檢控官談過了

Zhang ming , the university of texas at austin architecture school 張明德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校教授

So has austin told you anything about . 所以奧斯丁告訴了你關于-

Dr austin , of course , does not draw those conclusions 當然,奧斯丁醫生本人并沒有得出這些結論。

Maybe we should drive into austin and check out the crime scene 不如我們開去奧斯汀看看兇案現場

Austin ' s mom ' s from a large family 奧斯丁的媽媽也來自一個大家庭

Video seminar at the university of texas - austin 德州大學弘法講座

Let ' s see , austin , istanbul , sri lanka , portland , 我想想,奧斯丁,伊斯坦布爾斯里蘭卡,波特蘭

Austin ames with my iady . a devastating blow 奧斯汀?艾姆斯和我的女士在一起一個毀滅性的打擊

So has austin told you anything about . . . 所以奧斯丁告訴了你關于- -

Ethics and the language probed by austin 奧斯汀的語言探究和倫理問題