
attain vt.1.達到,獲得 (opp. Miss); 遂(愿)...

Through his struggles he has truly attained the “soft and eternal peace“ that he feels . 他通過斗爭,最后真正獲得了他所謂的“永遠安寧的日子”。


A french aeronaut, m.meunier, tried to attain his end by compressing air in an interior receptacle . 法國航空家摩尼葉曾經想把空氣壓送到氣球里來達到這個目的。

What i should have said is that the agreement with birdsong will help attain our objectives . 我本來應該說的是,和伯德桑達成協議會有助于我們實現我們的目標。

Shoots are all allowed to attain 68 inches when the leader is curled back to a strong lateral . 當新梢生長達68英寸時,將主枝回縮到一個強壯的側枝處。

It does show how more nearly rational procedures for choice of tank design can be attained . 它的確說明了選擇什么樣的油箱設計可以達到接近于更合理的程度

At any rate, i was very certain that i would not attempt to attain unending life . 任何情況下,我都可以斬釘截鐵地說:我自己是決不會追求什么永恒的生命的。

They find it difficult to discount the smashing victory he finally attained in tunisia . 他們發現很難對他最后在突尼西亞獲得壓倒的勝利打一點折扣的。

If the rock is homogeneous, the large size fragmentation can generally be attained more easily . 如果是均質巖石,一般可以比較容易地爆出大塊料石。

Spaceships must attain tremendous speeds to reach these planets in a reasonable time . 宇宙飛船必須獲得極大的速度才能在一定的時間里抵達這些行星。

Max seemed to have attained the pinnacle of german espionage in world war ii . “馬克斯”似乎取得了德國在第二次世界大戰間諜活動中登峰造極的成就。

The summit was the prize they sought, especially if it had never been attained before . 頂峰,尤其是前人未曾問津過的頂峰,正是他們所追求的目標。

Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity . 雨滴為了得到足夠的末速度必須下降很長距離。

Through his struggles he has truly attained the “soft and eternal peace“ that he feels . 他通過斗爭,最后真正獲得了他所謂的“永遠安寧的日子”。

It needs not be supposed that all varieties or incipient species attain the rank of species . 不要以為一切變種或初期物種,都會達到物種的階段。

The goal has now been finally attained through their dauntless and persistent efforts . 經過他們百折不撓,再接再勵的努力,現在終于達到了目的。

At the end of the first month the well had attained the depth specified, 122 feet . 一個月過去了,在這一段時間里,井已經掘了一百二十二英尺深。

When their object is attained they fall off like empty hulls from the kernel . 當他們的目的達到以后,他們便凋謝零落,就象脫卻果實的空殼一樣。

This is considerably less than the height attained by the radioactive cloud in an air burst . 這比在空中爆炸中原子云所能達到的高度要低得多。

thus the maximum horizontal range is attained when the departure angle is 45°. 因此,當發射角為45時,有最大水平射程。