
atomicity n.1.【化學】(氣體分子中的)原子數。2.原子價。

After studying several implementation mechanisms , we designed and implemented a page - based message storage management system named ismqsm . ismqsm provides volatile queue , persistent queue and transactional queue to satisfy several levels “ reliability and efficiency requirements . to assure operation ' s atomicity and storage ' s consistency and integrity , ismqsm supports transaction and sub - transaction Ismqsm提供內存隊列、持久隊列和事務隊列三種消息緩沖機制,能滿足不同級別可靠性和操作效率的需求; ismqsm采用頁式管理消息和隊列,以提高存儲利用率; ismqsm還提供了事務恢復,支持用戶級事務,并且使用內部子事務來實現關鍵數據操作,以保證消息存儲的完整性和一致性。


Lock mechanism of that concurrency control can effectively void the dead - lock , two phase commit can guarantee atomicity of the distribute transaction while distributed transaction is executed with which the consistency of the database system is guaranteed . the method of checking the inconsistent is mainly to track the update status of multiple repetitions when distributed and parallel database system is not busy , and to detect inconsistent early . consequently , system can be recovered to best status 數據庫在執行分布式事務的時候,并發控制的鎖機制可有效的預防分布式事務中的死鎖現象,兩階段的提交協議可以保證分布式事務執行的原子性,從而有效地保證了分布式并行數據庫系統的一致性,不一致性檢測的方法主要是在保證系統非繁忙狀態下對多個副本間的數據庫的更新狀態進行跟蹤,也保證了數據庫多個副本間不一致狀態的及早發現,從而使系統及時地恢復到最佳運行狀態,提高了分布式并行數據庫系統的可用性。

Tflow ueses task element replaces with activity element defined by wfmc , and classifies task . to make wfms support transaction process well , in tflow , we give the conception of transactional task group restriction and post - transaction . combined use transactional task , transactional task group restriction and post - transaction can loosen the atomicity and isolation of traditional transaction , can also be as a practical method of dividing the long - running transaction 基于對工作流任務賦予不同的事務屬性,提出了“事務性任務組約束”以及“后繼事務”的概念,從而放松了事務的原子性、隔離性,提高了系統的開發性,并為長事務的劃分提供一種有效的、較實際的方法,節省了運行成本,尤其是降低了進行事務處理時的成本。

After studying several implementation mechanisms , we designed and implemented a page - based message storage management system named ismqsm . ismqsm provides volatile queue , persistent queue and transactional queue to satisfy several levels “ reliability and efficiency requirements . to assure operation ' s atomicity and storage ' s consistency and integrity , ismqsm supports transaction and sub - transaction Ismqsm提供內存隊列、持久隊列和事務隊列三種消息緩沖機制,能滿足不同級別可靠性和操作效率的需求; ismqsm采用頁式管理消息和隊列,以提高存儲利用率; ismqsm還提供了事務恢復,支持用戶級事務,并且使用內部子事務來實現關鍵數據操作,以保證消息存儲的完整性和一致性。

The technology of transaction processing especially the technology of distributed transaction processing has been widely used today . the object transaction service ( ots ) based on the technology of distributed object can support the atomicity and the durability of distributed transaction , and it has become an efficient method of distributed transaction . this paper specifies the architecture and the key technology of ots 分布式對象技術已經發展成為當今分布異構環境下建立應用系統集成框架和標準構件的核心技術,事務處理技術特別是分布式事務處理技術在今天也有著廣泛的應用領域,對象事務服務( objecttransactionservice : ots )把分布式對象技術與事務處理技術結合起來,充分繼承了分布對象技術和事務處理技術兩者的優點,有效地保證了分布式事務的原子性和永久性,目前已經成為分布式事務的一種有效的解決方案。

In the paper , we aimed at the character of micropayment mechanism and strike out a functional complete micropayment system used the secure technology of hash function and digital signature etc . we propose an fair and atomicity micropayment system on the well - known millicent system , which is capable of performing off - line authentication and has the advantage of high execution speed 本文是針對微支付機制的特點,利用hash函數及數字簽名等安全技術設計出一個功能較完善的微支付系統。本論文以millicent小額付款系統為基礎,提出一個具有交易公平性和交易單元性等標準的微支付系統。

The relationship between correctness and thread safety is very similar to the relationship between consistency and isolation used when describing acid atomicity , consistency , isolation , and durability transactions : from the perspective of a given thread , it appears that operations on the object performed by different threads execute sequentially albeit in a nondeterministic order rather than in parallel 正確性與線程安全性之間的關系非常類似于在描述acid (原子性、一致性、獨立性和持久性)事務時使用的一致性與獨立性之間的關系:從特定線程的角度看,由不同線程所執行的對象操作是先后(雖然順序不定)而不是并行執行的。

With the adoption of the two _ phase commit protocol the system guarantees the atomicity and durability of distributed transaction . in order to achieve a high reliables available and efficient system , we propose serveal key technologies : k we put forward a technology of using interceptor implement implicit transaction context propagation , this technology makes transaction propagation transparent to users . we also add transaction check and transaction policy check in the process of transaction propagation , these methods increase transaction intergrity level 該系統采用兩階段提交協議,有效地保證了事務的原子性和持久性,并通過對ots技術的研究,提出并實現了以下幾項關鍵技術: 1 、提出了一種利用截獲器實現事務隱式傳播的技術,使得事務傳播對用戶透明,減少了用戶負擔,并在事務的隱式傳播過程中加入了事務策略和事務操作完成狀況的檢測,更好地保證了事務的完整性。

But at present , there seem to be much deficiencies on the correctness and reliability of workflow and it can not meet the practical needs very well . in this paper , we introduce some transactional properties to workflow and put forward a nested workflow model with transactional characteristics . this model includes nested tasks and dependencies between the tasks , and it is provided with some atm properties such as relaxed isolation and atomicity . further more , we discuss the execution mechanism , system recovery and error handling of workflow on the base of the transactional characteristics . by defining consistency unit and execution atomic unit , we loosen the failure atomicity , serializability of concurrent worflow and isolation between tasks , thus , workflow meets the needs of the application semantics more flexiblly with high correctness and reliability 這個模型包含嵌套任務和任務間的依賴,并具有高級事務模型的一些屬性,比如松散的隔離性和原子性。我們又進一步在這個模型的基礎上利用這些事務性質提出了有關工作流的執行機制、系統恢復和錯誤處理等問題的解決方法。通過定義一致性單元和執行單元放松了事務的失敗原子性、并發工作流的可串行化要求以及任務間的隔離性,使工作流在具有高可靠性和正確性的前提下更靈活地滿足實際應用語義的要求。

Combined with the implementation flow of netbill protocol , emphasized analysis is placed on the atomicity therein . it has been shown in our analysis that the netbill protocol satisfies the three levels of atomicity of e - commerce protocol , i . e . , 結合netbill協議的實現流程,本文重點分析了該協議的原子性,分析表明, netbill協議滿足電子商務協議原子性的三個層次,即資金原子性、商品原子性和確認發送原子性。

And distributed transactional recovery aims to ensure the durability of the objects on different servers and the atomicity of the failures . for distributed transactions , the challenge of recovery management is to recover the failures occurring during the two - phase commit protocol 而分布事務恢復的功能是保證服務器上對象的持久性和故障原子性,關鍵是針對兩階段提交的各種問題實現恢復。

Money atomicity , goods atomicity and certified delivery atomicity . the modified netbill protocol can detect tune violation through application of time violation detection mechanism , while still satisfying all the three levels of atomicity 本文還將時間侵犯檢測機制應用于netbill協議中,使修改后的netbill協議可以檢測時間侵犯,并仍然滿足原子性的全部三個層次。

Better data reliability is now ensured through true atomicity , consistency , isolation , and durability acid support , and when devices experience battery power issues and connectivity disruptions . for more information , see 通過真正的原子性、一致性、隔離性和持續性( acid )支持保證更高的數據可靠性,即使設備出現電池供電故障和連接中斷時也能保證數據可靠性。

Because the users are not changing data , concurrency and atomicity issues are not a concern ; the data is changed only by periodic , bulk updates made during off - hour , low - traffic times in the database 因為用戶并不更改數據,所以不存在并發性和原子性問題;又因為數據只定期更改,所以可以在非工作時間和低流量時間對數據庫進行大容量更新。

While the most common reason for using synchronization is to guarantee atomic access to critical sections of code , synchronization actually provides three separate functions - atomicity , visibility , and ordering 雖然使用同步最常見的原因是保證對代碼關鍵部分的原子訪問,但實際上同步提供三個獨立的功能原子性、可見性和順序性。

Atomicity means that only one thread at a time can execute code protected by a given monitor object lock , allowing you to prevent multiple threads from colliding with each other when updating shared state 原子性意味著一個線程一次只能執行由一個指定監控對象( lock )保護的代碼,從而防止多個線程在更新共享狀態時相互沖突。

It is insufficient to merely gurrantee the completeness of the database physical transaction . although com + ' s technique supplies transaction management mechanism , it can not guarrantee the atomicity of a deal 僅僅保證數據庫級事務的完整性是不夠的, com +技術雖然提供了事務管理機制,也不能確保交易的原子性。

Atomicity is straightforward enough - synchronization enforces a reentrant mutex , preventing more than one thread from executing a block of code protected by a given monitor at the same time 原子性非常簡單同步實施一個可重入的( reentrant )互斥,防止多于一個的線程同時執行由一個給定的監視器保護的代碼塊。

A resource manager manages durable or volatile data used in a transaction , and work in cooperation with the transaction manager to provide the application with a guarantee of atomicity and isolation 資源管理器管理在事務中使用的持久性或易失性數據,并且與事務管理器協同工作來確保應用程序的原子性和隔離。